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This wasn't how Charlotte thought her life would end up. She had big plans, plans that included moving out of her small hometown. At 20, she was old enough to realize that this was not the place for her and with any luck she might nab a great job and maybe even a decent apartment in the city. With her first year of college successfully behind her, she was looking forward to relaxing over break and maybe even working a few hours for the extra cash.

            The last days of the term went by fairly normally. She had finished packing her dorm room, ready to head out to her small town of Arbick in the morning. She was going to spend a few weeks crashing with her best friend Jessica until the landlord on her new apartment gave her the go-ahead to move in.

A few of the graduating seniors where throwing a bash for everyone on campus as their last hurrah. Her new college friends had begged her to go and after a few minor threats, she complied. What better way to start of the break than one night of partying before she spent the rest of the summer working her butt off.

            The party had been loud, crazy and included all the elements it needed for the cops to come at any second to shut it down. Charlotte was not one for crazy frat parties. She loved to socialize as much as the next guy, but she drew the line at drinking. Alcohol never appealed to her; she tried to have a crazy girls night with her friends back in high school but the vodka left a nasty taste in her mouth. She ended up sipping soda all night and nursing the other girls hang over's the next morning. This night wasn't any different. Her friends were out dancing on the makeshift dance floor in the living room while Charlotte hung back in the kitchen drinking cherry coke. She had stayed a few hours to please her friends, but now that it was rounding the 2 AM hour, she wanted nothing more than to go home and sleep.

            She sent her friends a quick text for them to see in the morning that she would be back in Arbick by the time they woke up; knowing them they wouldn't be up until mid noon judging by the amount of alcohol they've consumed tonight. Charlotte made her way out of the frat house and strolled across campus to the freshman dorms. It was quite, other than a few passed out students on the lawns. She had been so lost in her thoughts about where she could get a job over the summer that she hadn't heard someone come up behind her.

            "Leaving so soon?" a deep voice behind her said, startling her.

            "Oh my god Peter! You almost gave a heart attack!" She told the guy who was now walking in step with her.

            Peter Darnell stood at six feet with light brown hair, a charming smile, and vibrant hazel eyes. He shared a government class with Charlotte this semester, even sat next to her. It didn't take long for them to become fast friends. There was a time early in the term when they went on a few dates, but Charlotte didn't feel a connection and called it off. It had been awkward at first but after talking it over they both agreed it would be better to stay friends.

            "Sorry, you headed back to your dorm?"

            "Yeah, I'm heading home tomorrow. Wanted to get an early start."

            "Oh you need any help loading anything into your car?"

            "No, I finished everything before the party. When are you heading out?

            "I was going to give it another day. I still have a lot to pack"

            By now they had reached her dorm. Charlotte was usually one to invite people in to chat but at this point she was tired and just wanted to crawl into bed.

            "Alright, well I hope you have a fun summer and maybe see you around next semester?"

            "Yeah, you too. Um can I ask you a favor?" He asked nervously as he ran a hand behind his neck.

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