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Journal entry to adventure #01

Dear Journal, in the cemetery with Lily today, it's here mother Lisa's funeral.  It's her 19th birthday tomorrow, I got her some flowers and her favorite lavender scented candles. I hope all goes well, better make her feel like everything will be okay tonight.

Journal entry to adventure #02

Good morning, journal! Yesterday was tiring. I just woke up and my angel's still sleeping, going to cook her breakfast.
PERFECT, she woke up right after I cooked her bacon and eggs. Her hair still seems to be in the perfect braid it has always been since we went to Lisa's funeral yesterday. Sure hope I can make her feel better.

Journal entry to adventure #03

She still doesn't seem to be in the mood to eat, she left her food untouched and she fed it to Jimmy our dog. I hope her mother's death didn't weigh that much on her, she wears the same dress every day and never bothered taking her jewelry off. "Hey baby, I'm here for you, I love you." I said... She still hasn't spoken a word since.

Journal entry to adventure #04

It's been days and she still doesn't seem okay. She's still wearing her dress and jewelry, and with all honestly things are starting to smell terrible in here. I'm calling the psychologist to help her with this. "Doctor Grim, we need your help as soon as you can... Yes tomorrow sounds splendid, thank you!"

Journal entry #05

"Honey get down here!" I shout as I open the door "Ahh doctor Grim, welcome" I said. He looks at me with a little shock. "Ahh yes, may I have a glass of water?" He says as he sits down on the couch. "Oh yeah of course" . As I walk into the living room, I see doctor Grim sitting across Lilly, not even making eye contact with her which is unusual because they usually converse about many things. "There you are" I say, laying down his water. He looks strangely at at me. "So how may I help you, John?" He said. "Oh it isn't me, it's Lilly, I hope you can help her, she hasn't said a word since her mom passed away." I said. "How exactly did her mom pass away?" He said, with a sad look in his eyes. "The airplane crashed, she was on her way to Paris... Lilly always wanted to go to Paris." I said, looking at Lilly to make sure I was right, and for the first time, she nodded at me. "John, when was the last time you took a bath?" he asked me. Hmm, now that he mentioned it, I haven't taken a bath in a while. "Take a bath and groom yourself son, I will be back tomorrow with just the thing to work." He tells me, as he stands up and heads towards the door. I enter the bathroom, my beard was at least 6 inches long, my shirt stained with grease and my teeth seeming to have started rotting. This isn't right, what's happening? I groom myself and I take a long warm bath, I've been worrying about Lilly too much, I forgot about myself.

Journal entry #06

"Lilly, doctor Grim is here" I say, opening the door to see doctor Grim waiting by his car. "Come on over you two, I have somewhere to take you" he says. We both hop into his car and he exits Northern avenue. "Where are we goin, Doc?" I ask him, as we ride along a familiar path. I see the cemetery "oh no Doc, how will this help Lilly?" I ask him? Starting to lose my trust in him. "Trust me son, it will."

The three of us enter the hall where in the memorial of Lily's mother remains "Here lies Lisa Ledger" it said. As I look at Lilly, I actually see her smiling, walking closer to her mother's memorial and resting her palm on it. "John, where did Lily want to go ever since she was a kid?" He asks me. "Umm... Paris." I tell him, staring at Lily as I finally get to see her benevolent smile again. "How far apart were the days of Lilly's birthday from the airplane crash?" He asked me "Umm, it was a week before her birthday." I told him. "John, my friend... Lilly was in that airplane with her mother."
As Lilly moves aside, showing a memorial that says "Here lies Lilly Ledger, loving daughter."
"No... No this can't be Doc... Lilly's right there, Doc she's right there!" and she seems to have vanished as I look back at where she was. Lilly... Where did you go? Lilly don't leave me. "I'm sorry Son." He says to me. Lilly... I love you. I push him aside and jump off the building, feeling free for the first time since her mother's death. Lilly isn't dead, she isn't dead. As my feet fall first into the asphlat, I feel my vision start to fade, doctor Grim yelling... The sounds so distant, as I find his face hovering right over mine, I say one last thing. "She's in Paris, doc... Please, take me to Paris."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2018 ⏰

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