Chapter 3: I know how you feel. It sucks.

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(Picture of Lauren Etching) Btw, Lo is one of those people that everyone loves because she is effing perfect. She's cool and smart.

The rest of the car ride was pretty silent, apart from the occasional cough. Total silence is scary sometimes, I don't blame him for wanting to break the silence a little.

The whole way back home I was thinking. Yes, I do think. Geez. Anyways, I was thinking about Landon. What kind of person he really is, to be exact. I know he acts all cold and mean around everyone, but there has to be something more to him than this. Perhaps he is nice person inside. I guess he has his reasons for hating humanity. "Who says I hate you?" What does that even mean? Does he hate me or not? Landon is so complicated. Unpredictable too.

"Hey, Amethyst, don't mean to be nosey, but what do your parents do?"

"Huh, what?" I turned to face him, my train of thought getting broken.

"What do your parents do? You must be pretty damn rich to be staying in this side of town."

"Speak for yourself, Lamborghini-owner."

"Nah, I'm not rich. Bought this car with my savings."

Woah, what? Savings? What the hell does he do?! Damn, I should work there. Ooh I could work the same shift as him and bug him at work all day. Sounds like a plan. As soon as I find out where he works. If I ever do, that is. But what job can a 18-year-old guy in high school do that earns him enough to buy a Lamborghini?

Reading my mind, he said, smirking, "What do I do? Hmm, sounds like another story for another time. And you still haven't told me what your parents do."

"They're doctors. I never really see them anymore. Always busy. Haha, no biggie though." I tried to sound like it didn't make a difference, but I think I failed terribly.

I miss my parents a lot. The last time I saw them properly was last month. Now Orion's gone to college, I stay at home alone. Well, apart from my dog Pesto. I can talk to Pesto but he doesn't respond, so it's kinda boring.

"I know how you feel. It sucks." He said while looking at the road in front of us. He does?

"You do?" I asked. He nodded.

"I don't have parents anymore."

"What happened?" I blurted. Gah, me and my stupid mouth, he doesn't need to tell me! He's not my good friend or anything, I don't really deserve to know what happened to his parents. He's just driving me home, I'm not related to him in other way.

"Sorry, sorry, umm, it's alright if you don't tell me Landon, I get it if you don't wanna tal-"

"My dad abandoned my mom after I was born, and my mom was killed." He interrupted my apology.

Oh. My. God. What was I supposed to say? Sorry? No, it would seem like I am showing him sympathy, which, knowing Landon, he would reject. Oh dear? That sounds weird. Okay?No, rude. What the hell do I say?

"Oh." I replied. What? What else was I supposed to say? Its not every day you hear someone tell you he doesn't have parents. I decided not to ask him my burning question, Who killed your mom?, in case he got hurt and kicked me out of his car. If I have to walk home I'll probably reach hours later -- It's a two minute drive from here to my house! I'd need a compass and a map to get home from here. Wait, do I know how to use a compass or a map? No. Long story short, no way in hell am I going to walk the rest of the way home. So I kept my bloody big mouth from asking another insensitive question.

He smiled inwardly at my lousy response and continued, "So, yes, Amethyst, I know how you feel. Having no parents around is sad, I know. But remember, love and cherish yours while they are still around, Am."

I nodded, barely managing to whisper an "Okay."

Landon just told me something really personal. I did find out one thing, though: This is why he's so cold. I know how awful it is to live alone, and Landon has to live alone and do everything himself. He has to take care of himself, pay his own bills, work and on top of that go to school as well. All I have to do is go to school, and even then I'm not doing the best. Landon's probably, and unfortunately, used to being lonely, so he keeps to himself and seems cold. I should try and understand him more, now that I'm planning on being his future colleague and best friend. For your info, yes, as of just now I have made it my mission to become his best friend. If Landon is going to be less lonely, it has to start with me. I think having a friend should cheer him up and bring out his true self, which I'm hoping is nicer.

"Have you told anyone this before?" I asked. If I'm the only outsider that he's told this to, what does that make me?

"No one, really."

"Wow..." Wait, JUST ME? Ha! I believe I am now officially privileged!!

"Whatcha smiling like a fool for?" He asked, laughing. My god, he has like the nicest laugh in the universe. And I made him laugh. I think I've made some good progress on Operation Warm Landon. That's the name I came up with. Not bad, if I can say so myself. It makes sense, because he is cold now and my goal is to make him warm up and be the nice person he really is.

"Nah, it's just, thanks for telling me Landon."

He smiled. Damn... That pretty smile should be seen on his face more often, it's quite a sight. Focus! He's telling you important stuff he doesn't tell anyone else, Am! You can't be drooling over his smile. This is going to be a problem when he warms up. If he becomes nice and friendly he'll keep smiling and laughing and being all hot and sweet and cute all at the same time and then one day I'll won't be able to take it and I'll get a heart attack and faint and die and I'll never see him again, and I -

"So, if this is where you live why am I driving you home?" He chuckled, changing the subject.

I didn't realise he had already stopped outside my house. I turned away from the window where my royal mind-ramble was taking place and looked at the big, grand-looking house. I sighed. What was the point of having a huge, pretty house? For one pathetic, lonely teenage girl to live with her dog? Never mind. That's the way life is. As to why he has to drive me...

"I can drive..."

"You any good?"

Good? Good? I crashed my dad's Rolls Royce into a tree when he let me try driving it after I got my license. He wasn't very pleased, let me tell you that.

"Uh, yeah, quite the expert, if I may say so myself." Lies, lies, lies.

"You suck at driving don't you?" How does he do it? Am I that bad a liar? Damn it! I don't like being read like an open book.

"Yeah yeah whatever." I said as I opened the door. "Thanks for driving me, bye!" I waved and turned towards the house. But he wasn't driving off.

He rolled the window down and popped his head out.

"Jacket?" He called out, sounding pissed. Shit, he remembered... Just when I was planning on taking it back and giving it to Pesto as a blanket. I'm sure he would have appreciated a soft, new blanket. There was even a big hood for him to crawl into and snuggle in. Aww... The thought of his ears sticking out of the hood as he slept soundly in it.

"Whoops, sorry. Totally forgot about that. Haha, you know, just... Forgot." I laughed sheepishly as I passed him the jacket through the open window. I didn't fail to notice how it felt like electricity running through me when his hand brushed mine as he took the jacket.

"Um, bye!" I ran back to the house, only to hear him yelling from the car, "Don't feign ignorance, Mistleton!"

I laughed to myself as I unlocked the door. I plonked myself down on the sofa and switched on the TV. As the light and the sound blared out of it, I thought about Landon's story, his smile, his laugh, his snappy remarks...

I think I might just be falling for Mr None.

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