Chapter 4: Omigod, Orie, you're gay?

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(Picture of Orion)

I woke up the next morning to find myself on the sofa.

"The hell..."

What was I doing here? I thought back to yesterday, to waiting for Landon, and him driving me home and me plonking myself on the couch. Right... that's why. I looked up and saw the television still on. Shit! It was on the whole night? Ew, my hair was a mess too. And I was wearing yesterday's clothes.

Seeing that I was in a really awful state, I went upstairs and went for a shower and changed into some decent clothes. That just means clean clothes by the way, not coming out of the shower like a freaking Victoria's Secret angel. So I put on a white tank top with jean shorts. And I was ready to go. When I opened the door, I thought I was hearing things. But when I looked down the stairs, there it was. I was right, he was home! Orion was actually home!

"Hey, long time no see, sis." He said as he opened his arms for a hug.

"Oh my god, it really is you!" I asked as I hugged him back.

"Who else? A cloned version of me?" He nudged me playfully as we walked towards the sofa which I had claimed my own last night. Imagine my shock when I walked to the sofa, only to find someone else sitting on it.

"Oh my, I didn't see you there. You are...?"

The stranger stood up, and Orion introduced me to him. "Sister, meet Asher, Asher, meet sister."

Asher had eyes in this weird shade of green, something like olive green but different, in a way. Bleh, green. Yuck. But other than his very unfortunate eye colour, he was alright overall. Very tall, not very muscular but definitely not fat, rather lanky actually.

"Hi, uh, Asher." I waved at him.

"Hi, 'sister'."

I laughed, "I have a name you know... I'm Amethyst. Don't call me sister, it makes it seem as if you're my brother too, or other that you're my brother-in-law, which doesn't make sense."

He blushed as he nodded quickly. "Um, hi Amethyst."

Meanwhile, Orion was standing awkwardly on one leg. "Um, that's kinda what I wanted to talk to you about, Am... Do you mind if I talk to my sister privately for a while , Ash?"

"Sure, Orie."

"Thanks." He said as he steered me by my shoulders into the kitchen and closed the door.

Once behind closed doors, I started my interrogation. "Who the hell is he? Why does he get to call you Orie and not me?" He made a big deal out of it last time I called him Orie. He said he didn't like it cos it sounded "too cute and girly".

Orion (or Orie, now that I know he doesn't mind) ran his hands through his hair and sighed.

"Am, you know when you told Asher not to call you sister because it made it seem like he was your brother-in-law?"

"Yeah, why? That has no relevance at all, answer the freaking question, who is he? What on earth did you bring him home for? And why aren't you in England, by the way?"

"Woah woah, one at a time. I'm home because I uh... dropped out?"

Oh my god. My parents were going to be so bloody pissed. They hadn't sent him all the way to England and gotten him a place in Oxford for nothing. They wanted him to be a doctor too.

"And you dropped out because?"

"I don't want to be a doctor... As to what I want to be, I have no idea but I just know that I do not want to be like mom or dad. Not a doctor. Something else."

To be honest, Orie had no say in this decision, so I don't really blame him for dropping out. But still, they would be pissed, especially dad.

"Okay whatever, just sort things out with mom and dad. But back to the stranger sitting in my house,"

"It's my house too, you know."

"Shush, do not interrupt when a grown up is speaking to you, Orion, hear me? Now as I was saying, who is Asher? What is he doing here? In my house?"

He sighed again. "So, like I said. Remember when you told Asher not to call you sister because it made it seem like he was your brother-in-law?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Well, umm... uh... the thing is, he might have to call you that in the future."

"Call me what? Sister?" I asked, really confused. I wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, just saying.

"Ugh... Asher's my... uh... boyfriend. I'm gay." He whispered the last word so softly I barely heard. But the point is, I heard.

"Omigod, Orie, you're gay? Eeeeeek, that is so cute. Oh my god, who would have thought? Haha, now I have a right to call you a girly nickname. Orie, Orie, Orie...." He probably wasn't expecting such a reaction from me because he looked shocked.

"Wait, you're not mad, or anything?"

"No, of course not, why the hell would I be? This is so cute, it's like a goddamn effing miracle. You know, I always wondered if you were gay." This earned me a glare, "Like, when we were kids you didn't play with any boys, like you kept playing with me and Lo, even after we asked you to get out you still wanted to stay. Hehe, I gotta tell Lo about this in school."

Speaking of school... "Oh shit! Argh, it's all your fault, you had to fly over and come out to me on a school morning, didn't you? Now I'm so late....."

"Ooh, you're really late for school now, lemme check, oops it's 8.15, sorry about coming over on a Saturday."

Orie started giggling, and after a while this became full-blown uncontrollable laughter. He was doubled over, clutching his stomach.

I rolled my eyes. Ugh.... I'd woken up early for nothing. At least Orie had been here to tell me it was Saturday or I really would have walked all the way to school only to find it closed.

"Stop laughing you jerk, even your boyfriend's wondering what the heck's up with you, laughing away in the kitchen."

I went out of the kitchen and sat in the sofa next to a concerned Asher. He pointed at Orie and asked me if he was alright. I told him he was fine and was just being an ass, laughing at his sister. He looked less worried after finding out his boyfriend wasn't cuckoo.

So we sat around and talked, and I found out how they met. Long story short, Asher was Orie's roommate in Oxford. But Asher is still studying there, and just came here with Orie for the term break. And apparently, Orie is staying here now until he gets a chance to talk to mom and dad properly, and he'll figure something out after that since dad would most probably disown him.

After we were properly introduced, Orie showed Asher to the guest room (though they were probably going to spend some time in Orie's room) and I went to my room.

Just as I sat on my bed I heard a little knock on my door and Orie popped his head in. "Hey, Am, could you like keep this to yourself for a while? Until I tell mom and dad, at least. Don't tell anyone yet. Not even Lo, okay?"


"Promise? I don't want the whole world knowing yet, okay?"

"Promise." He smiled and left the room. Ooh, bad choice, sir.

Right after he left I picked up my phone.

'Hey Siri, call Lo.'

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