Chapter 2: Who says I hate you?

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(Picture of Landon)

"Landon, you're late!" I yelled, looking at my watch.

"Whatever, Mistletoe." He replied.

"Hey! You make me wait here for thirty minutes, holding your stupid jacket in the carpark under the hot sun, and still dare to call me Mistletoe? Your lucky I haven't already torn your jacket pieces and used the
shreds to strangle you for wasting my time here."

I had rushed here after class with Lo to wait for Mr None, so that after I gave the jacket back to him Lo could drive me home. Lo didn't want to at first, but I forced her to wait with me. After around fifteen minutes I saw Lo become annoyed and I let her go to save her from her misery. Now I was alone. Landon took so long that Lo grew impatient and went on home first. How exactly do I get home now that my ride is long gone? God knows.

"Like I said yesterday, I do not want to be seen within the twenty meter radius of Amethyst Mistleton. So I had to wait for those stupid jocks to leave the damn field before I could come here, okay? Sorry." He apologised, pointing towards the field near the carpark. Nu-uh, I ain't letting him off the hook for this one. He made me wait half an hour!

"Don't wanna be seen near me eh? Why?" I questioned him.

If he answered "I am so sorry for saying that to you, oh Queen Amethyst, please forgive me for my sins, you are awesome and almighty, I was wrong and you were right, as you always are, and I love being in your presence. I fully regret saying I didn't want to be seen around holy Amethyst Mistleton, because it'll a great honour even to be seen within your twenty mile radius." Then he is officially forgiven. If he didn't...

"Because you're a psychopathic wacko, and besides, I had to wait half an hour for the jocks to leave too!"

"Incorrect answer." I said, milking it further. I was going to force those words out of him even if it killed me.

"What the hell do you mean by incorrect?"

"Your answer is wrong. That is no way to apologise for being late, Landon. You are supposed to say: I am so sorry for saying that to you, oh Queen Amethyst--"

"Nope, stop right there. You aren't a queen. And no way in hell am I gonna worship you, Am."

"Why not?"

"Just give me the jacket and we can both go."

This gives me a great idea. So desperate for the jacket huh... This could earn me a ride home. And a great chance to tease him in the future. Here we go, it's time to make a deal, folks!

"Let's make a deal."

He raised an eyebrow, "What deal?"

"You call me Queen Amethyst from now on and I'll give you back your pwecious wittle hoodie. Also, drive me home."

He groaned in anger. "Someone just kill me now."

"Deal or no deal, Mr None?"

He shook his head. "No, no deal. Absolutely no deal. Your conditions are ridiculous!"

"Ugh fine, I'll lower the standards. Call me Queen Amethyst just once and drive me home. Good enough for you, Mr None?"

He listed his conditions: Give him back his jacket and stop calling him Mr None. I give him what he wants and I'll get what I want. Then we go separate ways.

"Yeah yeah, Mr None."

"I mean it Amethyst."

"So do I! Do we have a deal or not, Landon?"

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