New Life

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(I cant help it i get an idea and it makes me just want to write more and more stories, this one is another Buffy love story but this one is based on if Buffy and Angel got back together after season 7 of Buffy and Season 5 of Angel, cuz now Angel can have sex without losing his soul. Comment-Vote-Fan please, i hope you guys like it!)

Buffy POV.

The Hellmouth is closed, Sunnydale is gone. Before the battle we packed what we could mostly clothes, and pictures. All the girls went around town and to the shops and stole clothes and shoes, while Willow and Kenady went to the bank. I know it seems wrong, but we needed the money and it would have just been distroyed with the town so sine there was no one there, they stole it all. Once we got out of sunnydale, we had a talk and it took us a week to try and decide what to do, and were to go. We ended up going to New York, Girles though that with the big city it would be easyist. We baught a building, and floors 4-14 were bed room. First floor was just a louby type area, with offices and what not, Giles and willow were trying to find more slayers and bring them here for training. The second floor was living rooms and entertainment areas, so the girls didnt get bored. The third floor we had nocked out all the walls and built one big kitchen. And 15 was a library, with all the demon books Giles could get his hands on and all the Witch books for Willow. Then the 16 floor was a huge gym, we we could train the girls. It took a small chunk out of the money we had, but Giles had traveld to London to were they had the Watchers Counsil, Him and Willow were able to get the money they had left there so we could start it back up here, so we were doing great. Dawn and the slayers that were around her age went to school together.

I was sitting in my office, making stakes. It was raining out and all the girls were up stairs, watching tv or training. I was bored, it seemed there was nuthing to do. I could have had another girl do these, but i was so bored i was after about twenty i decided i was done and went up stairs to grab a snack.

When i got to the thrid floor i saw Dawn pulling a tray of cookies out of the oven.

"Oh cookies." I said picking up one that was on the conter next to her.

"Yeah, some of the girls had a craving after a boy at school said she was ugly so im making some for us."

"Which girl?" None of my girls were ugly.

"Sara, she took it badly she liked him for a while."

"Well that guy has no brains Sara is a catch, and he should have been so lucky that she even looked at him."

"Thanks Buffy!" I turned to see Sara making her way into the kitchen.

"Your welcome never let a guy tell you that your ugly, he's just a jerk and you could do so much better."

"I wont." She smiled at me, she was petite with long wavy brown hair and green eyes, she was a bit taller then me. Who ever said she was ugly must have been blind.

"Dawnie these really are good." I said taking another.

"Thanks, what are you up to?" Dawn asked putting more cookies on the big plater.

"Nothing im bored."

I took a seat on one of the island stools.

"Well i think Giles is back with a new girl so maybe you want to go meet her?" Dawn sugested.

"Great idea!"

I jumped down and went to the first floor and went down the hall to Giles office, sitting in the chair acroos from his was a girl maybe 13-14 with long black hair and dark brown hair.

"Ah Buffy this is Lee, her parents were killed by vampires, she is a slayer but has never been trained." Giles said as i came and took a seat next to him.

"Does she speak english?"


"How did she make it out alive?"

"Oh i think you better let her tell you." He said giving off a sigh.

Ok then.

"Hi Lee, i'm Buffy, can you tell me who saved you?"

"Yes two men came and saved me, one was tall with dark brown hair and eyes the other Blonde with blue eyes."

"Did you get there names?" I asked, no way just no way.

"Yes, the brown haired man said his name was Angel and the blonde said Spike, but i think they were lying, those names sounded fake."

"Oh there real, i know them, they are friends of mine.' I turned to Giles. ' Were they there when you got there?"

"Yes they were, they said that they new the vamps wee paning somthing but didnt get there fast enough."

"Ah." Was all i could say.

I turned back to Lee. "So Lee do you like cookies?" I asked.

Her face lit up a bit and she nodded her head.

"Well let take your stuff up stairs and get some ok, you can meet the other girl and we will show you to your room ok?"

She jumped up and grabbed her bag. It was small and didnt look like it fit a lot, well ill just have to take her shopping tomorrow.

I took her hand and we went up to the 4th floor first which was for girls mostly around her age. I got to room 411 and nocked on the door twice before i walked in. another girl around Lee's age was sitting on her bad her name was Bree and she was blonde with blue eyes.

"Hey Bree this is Lee she will be your roommate."

Bree got off her bad and walked over to Lee.

"Hi, im Bree its nie to meet you, if you want ill show you around?" Bree asked.


"Bree take her to the tv rooms Dawnie made lots of cookies ok?"

"Yep, come on Lee lets go." Bree grabbed her hand and all but dragged her back out.

I walked out after then and headed to the gym, i didnt want to think about Angel or Spike, to many memories of them were bad.

I just need to forget them.

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