sorry... Will be back soon

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Hey guys, Kat here. I know that you guys are probably sick of my excuses by now, but hear me out, and I promise, I will try to make this quick.

Some problems have been going on at school.

My mum has considered keeping me off of school because these girls in my class are making my life a living hell. I can't express that enough.

It all started when a very close friend gave some of my personal info to the class, that I didn't want them to know, and then said that she did it 'Just because she could.'

I wasn't upset because she gave out info, but I was upset because she lied to me and tricked me to get the info out of me. She knew that I didn't want them to know.

I felt betrayed because it was my Wattpad that she gave to my class. Since then, they have been shouting at me during classes, telling me that the girl did nothing wrong, and that it was all my fault.

And when I told them to mind there own business, they laughed at me. I was getting so upset, and I didn't know what to do anymore.

So I did the thing that I do when I'm stressed or upset.

I don't eat. I don't do it on purpose. It just comes naturally.

Everyday, I feel so bad about myself. Most of my class hates me. But I don't blame them. I kinda hate me.

When I look in the mirror, all I see is fat. I want it to go away, but it won't.

And it isn't getting any better with everyone tearing me down every time I get the courage to get back up again.

I always try to be the happiest person in the room, but now, I'm finding it hard to always be happy. It just feels like everyone is against me.

I just want this feeling to go away! I don't want to be upset anymore! But I feel like I don't have a choice.

There has been only one person in my class who has stood by me this entire time. She would tell me that everything would be ok everytime I nearly cried and asked me if I was ok everytime one of the other girls would be mean to me. She has stuck with me and stood up for me, despite it making the others attack her as well. They keep telling me that I stole the other girls friends.

I feel like im pouring my heart and soul into this, because I haven't let it all out yet. I went to my head of year to tell her what's beeming happening and that I'm making myself physically and emotionally sick because of it.

I'm gonna be honest. I'm scared. I never wanted any of this to happen, and I don't know if I'll make it though this in one piece.

I'm sorry for not updating, but now, you have an excuse. I will be back though. I just need a while.

I feel bad for giving you guys my sob story, but I felt like I had no other choice but to explain, and to tell you that I'm gonna be away.

I also want to stop updating for a few weeks so that my class can forget that they know my Wattpad and won't go on it, or hopefully not see this.

Again, I'm sorry, and I hope to be back soon.

Bye guys, love you xx

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