You made a living breathing think Clark!

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"You ready for this?" Clark asked as him and Riley drove down the streets of Metropolis, heading for the Daily Planet.

"No." Riley was very nervous. She was meeting her dad's girlfriend. GIRLFRIEND.

"Don't worry. They're gonna love you." Clark smiled as he spoke. He was very excited about this. Sure, he didn't tell Lois that he was coming with his daughter, and yeah he told Jimmy and Kara to meet him at the Daily Planet because he had something really exciting to show them, but that's because this was huge!

"Can I ask you something?" Riley asked from passenger seat.

"Of course." Clark replied.

"What do I call you?" When Clark looked a little confused by the question, Riley continued. "I mean, for as long as I've known you, I've called you Clark, Mr Kent or Superman. But know that I know that you're my dad, I don't know what I should call you. I've been trying to just call you Superman, but I knew that I couldn't do that forever. I would have to ask sometime. It was unavoidable." Riley looked down in worry.

"What do you want to call me?" Clark asked gently. When Riley answered, it was lower that a whisper, and if he didn't have super hearing, he wouldn't have heard it.

"I want to call you dad."

"Then dad it is." Clark looked over at his daughter proudly, as she raised her head and smiled confidently at him.


The Daily Planet was HUGE! Like, bigger than the manner, huge! Wow. Just wow.

"Riley, why don't you wait at my desk, so I can go talk to my manager for a minute. Ok?" Clark asked Riley as she sat down on Clark's spiny chair in his desk, in a row of work cubical's, divided by boards.

"Ok." Riley smiled up at her dad as she spun around on the chair.

... A few minutes later ...

Riley sat at her dad's desk, still waiting for him to come back. She had her legs up on his desk as she sat in the chair, lolly in hand.

"Hey Clark can you-" The female voice stopped suddenly as she saw that it was not the man who she was looking for in the cubical. "Amm. Hi. Do you know where Clark is, by any chance?"

"He said that he was going to talk to his manager and would be back in a minute." Riley said with slightly wide, shocked eyes.

"Ok... So, if you don't mind me asking, who are you?" The woman eyed Riley up and down.

"Oh! Sorry, I'm Riley."

"Lois Lane. Why are you here?"

"I was told to wait here." Riley replied innocently, completely forgetting that this was the woman she was to meet.

"No- not here. I mean here! Like- Ugh! Like in the Planet!" Lois stuttered over her words, trying to figure out a way to describe it.

"Oh, my dad brought me. I'm gonna meet some of his friends."


"Jimmy Olsen, Kara Danvers and Lois Lannnnne. Ohhh" Something finally clicked in Riley's head as she dragged out Lois' last name. Lois looked suspicious.

"Ok then. Who's your dad?"

"Clark." Riley replied, bluntly as Lois' eyes widened in horror.

"But- not Clark Kent, right? A different Clark? Please tell me that its a different Clark!"

"Nope. Sorry. My dad is Clark Kent." Lois looked like she was ready to faint.

"Oh boy." Lois looked like she was about to faint.

"Lolly pop?" Riley asked carefully, pulling out another lolly and offering it to the woman who stared at her in shock.

"Clark? Clark, where are you?" Lois hastily ran around offices and cubicles in hopes to find her boyfriend.

"Lois?" She heard a voice call out behind her, as she spun around quickly on her feet.

"Clark! Oh thank God! Tell me its not true! Please tell me this is a joke!" Lois said frantically, tugging on Clark's blazer.

"What are you talking about Lois? Are you ok? Is everything alright?" Before he got an answer, he heard another slightly out of breath voice heading their way.

"Miss Lane? I'm sorry if I startled you!" Riley came speeding round the corner, bumping into her dad as she did so. "Oh, Dad! And Lois. By the way, I think she knows that I'm your daughter." Riley blurted out, looking guiltily at the floor.

"Its ok, Riley, we came here to tell her anyway." Clark assured her, as Lois made an unidentifiable noise.

"Daughter. Daughter. You have a daughter! You have a daughter, Clark! You made a person! A real, breathing and living person! How did I not know this? Wait, who is the mother?" Lois sped talked, still in a state of shock.

"Her mother's name is Diana." Clark answered bluntly, that even Riley raised an eyebrow at him.

"Ok. Ok, I can deal with this. What's your daughter's name again?" Lois asked the last bit in a hushed tone.

"Riley." Clark whispered back, a smile on his face.

"Hi Riley. I believe we met in a bad way. You already know, but my name is Lois Lane, but please, call me Lois." Lois held out her hand for Riley to shake, and she took it graciously.

"Hi Lois. I think we need to get to know each other a bit." Riley said with smile on her face.

...I'm sorry!

Please, for the love of all that is good and evil, don't murder me.

This chapter was short and way, way, way overdue.

This doesn't make up for me leaving this story for so long.

To be honest, I found this quite hard to write, because I couldn't remember what Riley was like. 0_o.

I'm going to really try to get back on track with this story. Hopefully. But no promises. But thats not going to stop me from trying.

Love you all to the moon and back! Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2016 ⏰

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