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I woke up at nine thirty. I opened the window and still half asleep I saw a wolf. I walked away and then went back to my window with my eyes open and it was there. It scared me causing me to jump. I then realized it wasn't a wolf, it was a huskie. I then heard it whimper. I went to my door and waited. It eventually came around and walked in. I thought I would ask around if anyone owned him but for now I grabbed some leftover baked beans, put them in a bowl, and gave them to him hoping that he would eat the beans. He sniffed it and began digging his face in there. While he ate I went out and started my big ass truck (as my dad called it). I called him to the car and he jumped in with what could seem like a smile on his face. I drove down Baca street (Star Wars?) and continued till we entered town I saw a bar a grocery store and a huge lake. I knew the lake was called Wapawekka and the bar was Jacob's Beer Shack. I continued down till I got to Kipper road which the name makes me think of an old anime I watched when I was a kid. There were seventeen houses on this road and three on a cul de sac. I knocked on doors asking if the huskie was their dog. Nobody owned the dog on the road. On the cul de sac I was about to leave until I saw a fourth house. "Last Chance" I thought. It was a brown log house with another truck like mine but green when mine was red. I knocked on the door and heard no response. I was about to leave when a man came hauling logs from the side of his house. It was the same man who brought me the firewood from before. This day was just getting weirder and weirder.

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