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We went inside his house. I saw a deer head mounted on the wall. I walked down the hallway looking at totem poles he said he carved himself. The dog walked behind me. I asked if it was his and he said the dog belonged to the family who owned the house I moved to before they left. He asked I was going to sell it as a sled dog and I responded with a no. "You will have to name it if you want it." he said. I decided Whiskey since I heard it was a common dog name. He asked if I needed a ride and I said no thank you. As I left I felt weird inside I was about to walk in when all of a sudden everything blacked out.I was in this place that had pitch black everywhere.I knew it was a dream but a started to hear a strange high pitch sound. It said "Eware he torm". It got so loud I couldn't bear it.I woke up in a bed. It was not my own but it was comfortable. I then realized my head hurt. The door opened and there was the man. He said that I had been unconscious all day and it was One pm. I got up and now asked him if I could leave and he said it was dangerous. I said I could handle it and I called Whiskey to get up. He was sleeping by my bed waiting for me. When he heard me he got up and licked my face multiple times. Mitch guided me to my car and I reached in my pocket for my keys. I found them and was about to turn the car on when all of a sudden mitch grabbed my arm. He pointed across the street. There was six sets of yellow glowing eyes staring back at us. I grabbed Whiskey and we went back into the house. I knew if I left in the car they would attack Mitch. We slowly walked in the house and I once again fell asleep but this time on the couch.

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