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**Ghost's POV**
Today we found out that there was a group of fire nation soldiers in the woods so naturally we went to go and get rid of them. That was earlier today we have been sitting in the trees for hours waiting for the opportunity to get rid of them but there was no such luck so yet again I looked other to Jet hoping he would give the signal that would stop my boredom when three strangers walk into the clearing distracting the soldiers. That was when he finally gave the signal causing me to laugh and lunge at the three nearest soldiers in which they proceeded to try and attack me so I disarmed them causing them to run. I was about to attack another one when one of the strangers managed to trip me up and by the time I looked back at my target Pipsqueak had already dealt with him.

Once all the soldiers had left I decided to get my own back on the one who tripped me up but Jet got in the way.

" Ghost don't try and kill the ones who distracted the soldiers. You have got to admit you were bored of sitting in that tree as well." Jet tried reasoning with me but I just glared at him through my mask and walked away.

I would have started yelling at him but since I found my way to him and his group of freedom fighters I don't talk all that much. As I was walking away to go stand by Longshot I could hear Jet explaining what was going on and when it came to me being introduced the idiot who tripped me and the girl who looked to be his sister jut stopped and gawked at me causing me to smirk even if they can't see it and I started walking back to the Hangout knowing that they would follow.

When I got to the clearing I just went straight up to the treehouse so I could take my mask off and not have to worry about any fire nation soldiers recognising me. But that is a story for another time. I had just started walkking away after taking of the mask when I heard yelling that sounded like it was coming from the ropes causing me to turn around and get flatten by the idiot who tripped me. I shoved him off and took one of my swords and held it to his neck. My plan wasn't to hurt him just to scare him a bit and it seemed to be going perfectly until I was blasted back by something or should I say someone.

"Don't hurt my friends. And who are you?"Was what I heard before I looked up to see who the culprit was when I realised it was the third stranger and it was obvious that he was the avatar since he was wearing air nomad clothes. At this point the third stranger and Jet got up and upon realising what happen Jet just burst out laughing. Trust Jet to find this situation funny.
Deciding that I have had enough of the strangers I turned around to go while saying to Jet " Tell them what you want but don't expect me to be happy about more people being here."

**Aang's POV**
The girl that had just held a sword up to Sokka's neck stalked away placing her sword back in its holder and we all turned around looking at each other confused until Jet spoke up.

"Well looks like Ghost is actually in a good mood for once since she didn't throw you back to the ground."
" Hold up." Sokka started and I could just tell he was going to cause a problem"You mean to tell us that the the great Ghost,a legend for fighting and freeing people from the fire nation,is actually a GIRL!!". Yep definitely a problem.

Deciding to go and explore the place I air bended over to one of the wires scattered all other the place and started sliding down with Momo behind me. While exploring I find the girl everyone calls Ghost sat by herself on a branch near a hut and decided that she probably wanted to be alone turned around to leave that is before a voice spoke up.

"I know your there avatar. And I know you have some questions."

**Ghost's POV**
I leave the annoying idiot for Jet to deal with and decide to go for some piece and quite and sat on the branch behind the hut that me and Smellerbee share. After about 10 minutes I decide that I should go make sure that no one has been killed by the strangers when I hear a faint rustling of leaves behind me and knowing that the others know better then to try and sneak up on me and out of the three strangers the avatar was the quietest I assumed it was him so I spoke up.

"I know your there avatar. And I know you have some questions."
Turning around I see a shocked expression on his face which didn't make any sense.
"How did you know I was behind you?" Well that explains it.
"Leaves were rustling" was all I responded with trying to fight the temptation to smirk while patting the branch next to me. When he sits down he his nervous and like he wants to ask me something.
" Hope you don't mind me asking" he started and i could just tell what was coming know "but how did you get to be here fighting with some freedom fighters?"
All I could think of was my past and how much I should tell him and after a bit of thinking I decide to tell him the most that I have ever told anyone.

Dum Dum Dum. How I love a cliffhanger. Next chapter should be up soon.

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