Jet (Part 2)

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After telling him the basics of my past and not who I really am he didn't freak out like I expected. He swore that he wouldn't tell anyone so we went to dinner where Jet gave his usual speech and managed to convince me to go an get some info from the local village on what the fire nation knew which is where I am now.

Sneaking around the village is more fun then I originally thought it would be until I overhear a conversation between two soldiers that I knew would happen at some point but it still shocked me and caused me to run all the way back to the Hangout to go tell Jet what I found out. When I get there I run straight to Jets hut to tell him but I was forced to stop as something or should I say someone walks into me knocking me onto my ass. Looking up I see Aang and the two people who came with him and Jet. Ignoring the looks I got off of them I stood up and looked at Jet.
" They know I'm here. There sending more in a few days. I'm going tomorrow." Before turning around I saw the colour leave Jet's face and I went to go pack.

** Sokka's POV**
Uhhhh why do Katara and Aang believe Jet and I never saw that knife. Frustrated that they didn't listen to me and are deciding to stay I head out of the hut only to collide with someone. This someone happens to be the girl who goes by Ghost and while she is talking to Jet I realise that part of the top that has her hood attached to it has moved slightly so I could see a burn, that looked to be in the shape of a hand, on her shoulder. As I am about to ask her about it she leaves in a hurry with me following behind her to find out about the burns.

Being unable to find her I head back to the hut me,Katara and Aang share to find them both asleep. I lean against the tree trying to go to sleep as well when I hear someone using the ziplines to head to the forest floor and I decide to follow them.

Everyone knows what happens now so skipping ahead a bit.

**Ghost's POV**
It only took a couple of minutes for me to pack everything after having a late start and I couldn't find Jet or the others anywhere so I decided to go to the overlook so that I can look at the view one last time before leaving.

By the time I got to the overlook I could here what sounded like fighting and I hurried up to see if anyone needs help. But I was completely surprised to see Jet fighting Aang up in the trees with Katara running underneath. Deciding it would be a good idea to wait for the fighting to end I leant against the nearest tree trunk and watched until Katara used her water bending to freeze Jet to the tree before walking forwards. Aang and Katara must of heard me walking since they both turned around and Katara started attacking me with her waterbending. I wasn't able to keep up by just using my swords so I did something I haven't done in a long time. I used my bending.

I can't believe what Jet is doing to the village drowning it and then attacking me to stop me from warning them isn't going to help anyone. When Katara managed to stop Jet by freezing him to a tree we both heard someone walking towards us. Once I turned around I realised it was only Ghost but Katara was obviously not as relieved as me since she attacked her. After a while it looked like Katara was getting the upper hand until Ghost did something she told me she could do but I thought she was joking. She did some FIRE BENDING. Once Ghost did that she won.

"What the HELL is going on?" Was the only thing Ghost said after fighting. We all just stood (or in Jet's case sat) and stared at her.

"Ridding this valley of people like you" Jet responded with before doing what must have been a signal causing us all to look other to the village and the dam which had just burst flooding the village.

** Ghost's POV**
I was in shock. Did Jet and the others seriously just flood the village they have been trying to protect. I had no idea what was going on since I was so busy processing to listen to the conversation. That is until Appa flew up and scared me so I fell backwards and landed on my arse. Sokka the annoying guy was sat there on Appa and was explaining that he managed to get everyone out in time.

Then everyone turned to me and I could see that they were all trying to figure something out. Deciding to give them a few answered I told them that I had not known about Jets plan and that I am a fire bender since I am from the fire nation. When they asked me why I was no longer there I just glared at them and they shut up.

I went other to grab my stuff that I dropped while fighting Katara when I heard someone talking to me. "Can you come with us and teach Aang fire bending?"

"Aang is not ready to learn fire bending and since chances are we will all see each other again I am going to have to say no for now." With those last words I walked away to go help some other villages.

Hi what did you think of it being that Ghost is a fire bender. The next chapter should be up by next Monday.

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