Return to Omashu

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I know its a big jump but Ghost doesn't show up in any of the episodes from Jet till know but i will explain where she has been briefly in the first bit of this chapter.

** Ghost's POV**

Over the next couple of weeks I went from place to place helping out those that I could but I also kept track of Aang and the others and it seemed to be that they were heading to the northern water tribe.

One day I heard of a group of refugees living in the northern air temple and had recently been attacked by the fire nation so I decided to go there to make sure everyone was okay and to see if they needed help. When I got there and on to what looked like a runway for gliders like Aang's I found a bunch of people grouped around a kid in a wheelchair. Once they realised I was there I got the usual welcoming party of 'who are you and what do you want ' that is until an older guy who looked like he had blown his eyebrows off and are slowly growing back recognised me and allowed me to stay after I offered to help in anyway possible. After they were all on their feet again I decided to go to Omashu and visit King Bumi who helped me when I first left the fire nation. It took me a week to get there on an ostrich horse that I 'borrowed' but when I got there I found something that truly scared me. The fire nation was there. Deciding to investigate and help get rid of the unwanted guests I snuck into the city and found a resistance group underground and I have been helping them since.

( Now for when Aang, Sokka and Katara join)

I was running for cover since the resistance group failed at trying to hurt the group of fire nation soldiers walking round. When I managed to get to one of the entrances that are used I ran through and went straight for the leader of the resistance.

**Aang's POV**
The person who was leading the resistance had just told us that Bumi didn't even put up a fight when the fire nation attacked. While I was still processing this someone dressed in black pulled out a sword and pointed it to the earth bender we were talking to.

" YOU HAD ONE JOB. YOU COULDN'T EVEN DO THAT" the new person in the room shouted never removing their sword from the guy's neck. Getting a closer look at the sword I realised that I recognised it and it appears I wasn't the only one since I heard Sokka say "Ghost?" causing her to turn towards us when she realised it was us she removed the hood and mask she wore allowing us to see her face properly which held a smile until she saw Sokka and continued to punch him in the face.

"Revenge for when you tripped me. Now what are you three doing here?" Was what she asked us while trying to suppress laughter at Sokka's dazed expression.

"We're here so Bumi can teach Aang earth bending." Katara started also trying not to laugh." But then we saw what has happened here and we decided to stay behind to make sure everyone was okay and to find Bumi" I finished off.

After hearing that Ghost explained to us that she knows of mine and Bumi's friendship since she was also a friend of Bumi's since he helped her a while ago.

**Ghost's POV**

After I told Aang and the others why I was there and how I knew Bumi I went to make sure everyone was okay and I found my way to a brother and a sister who are orphans because the fire nation attacked Omashu and I spent well other an hour just sat talking with them and making sure they were okay and staying with them until they fell asleep. By this point I was about ready to drop as well but I was forced to stay awake so Katara could tell me the plan to get everyone out, in which my only involvement was to go with those who could not defend themselves in case the plan failed and get them out using one of the tunnels.

I thought she had left after telling me this but I heard her ask me " Why are you helping these kids? It's just from what I know about you, you don't do something like this." Knowing full well that I won't get any piece until I tell her I thought my answer through making sure not to give anything vital that will help them figure out who I am. " I lost my brother to this war and I don't want it to happen to anyone else while I can help it." Was my only response and after several seconds of awkwardness I heard retreating footsteps signalling I was alone and could go to sleep.

Time skip to morning

Knowing full well that if I got up late there will be quite a few angry earth benders I got up and started getting those that will be coming with me up as well. When we were all up I found out that I wasn't the only one helping them get through the tunnels but one of the earth benders as well. After moaning about this for ten minutes knowing that he may give away where we are I gave up since no one was hearing any of it and I walked out.

We managed to get through the tunnel that led outside without a problem and we were setting up camp for when everyone else came when I heard Appa heading towards the camp and he just laid on the ground and didn't move until the others were seen being lead by Sokka and Katara. But there was no Aang making me worry but it turns out that he went looking for Bumi so it wasn't that bad I guess.

By the time Aang got back to the camp it was nightfall and we found ourselves a new member of the group since a baby had grabbed hold of Momo's tail earlier and came with everyone else.

" Hey Ghost since this is the second time that we have seen you do you want to come with us?" Sokka asked me causing a stunned silence around everyone since they all want to know.

" Sure. Why not means I can get Katara back as well and I can make sure Aang keeps his mouth shut." Was my only response as I walked off to make sure the two orphans are okay.

**Aang's POV**

Everyone looked at me weirdly processing the information when a messenger hawk landed nearby with a message saying that they would trade King Bumi for their son so we came up with the plan to get the baby into Omashu and I went to tell Ghost when I realised she was asleep so I left her be but turned back around when I heard Ghost screaming and saw her sitting upright clutching her shoulders looking round scared. When she realised I was stood there she asked what happened.

" We were offered a deal the baby for King Bumi. What was that dream about?" I asked her when she had calmed down.
"Okay I'll come with you guys to get Bumi and the dream was about the day I was burned." Once she said that she layed back down and turned so her back was towards me.

**Ghost's POV**
(In dream) I was running down a hallway trying to get away from him since he won't leave me to practice my bending in peace. I turn round a corner and enter a room that I hoped I would never see again. In the middle of it was the only bit of furniture. A chair with straps to hold the wrists and straps to hold the ankles. I blinked and I was sat in the chair with him towering other me asking me what I knew. Then he went behind me and burned his hands into my shoulders causing me to scream in pain and wake up.

I saw Aang looking at me worried while telling me the plan to exchange the baby for King Bumi then he continued to ask what my dream was about. Once I answered him I layed back down and turned around so no one could see me upset because of that dream. By the time it was morning and to do the exchange I still hadn't managed to get back to sleep.

The four of us all made our way to the designated location for the exchange when three girls showed up that I recognised causing me to panic. I tuned out the rest of the conversation trying to figure out why they are here when one of the girls went after Aang leaving the other two to me and Katara since Sokka currently had the kid. It ended up being that me and the girl who could stop someone from using their limbs by hitting them was attacking me until she managed to give me the slip and went for Katara stopping her from water bending. I was trying to figure out how we would both get out of here without me bending when Sokka showed up on Appa so we managed to escape and went to help Aang. By the time we caught up with Aang Bumi was not there causing me to panic until Aang said how Bumi was staying so that he could find the opportunity to free Omashu.

Once we got to the overlook outside of Omashu it was agreed that I would join them so I could teach Aang fire bending when he was ready to. As we were leaving to go find Aang a earth bending teacher I heard a voice that I haven't heard in a long time saying : Well done and follow your path little dragon. Smiling for the first time in ages I fell asleep and didn't have the nightmare again.

So what do you think and who do you think that voice was.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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