Ch.2 - Cotton Candy Frappuccino

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"Hey Gray-Gray!" One of my friends, Olivia, screamed. I scoffed at her wierd nickname for me. School was finally over and we were standing next to the bus stop, eager to go home. Soon, three of my other friends joined us, Joanne, Tracy and Hayley. We were all chatting away about our insane teachers when someone metioned twitter.

"Cameron Boyce tweeted about a poet yesterday" Joanne said, fiddling with her straight dark brown hair. "Obviously I followed her, Poetgirl45 or something. Did you guys see the tweet?" Her hazel eyes framed by glasses narrowed on Hayley, who also loved all that celebrity stuff.

My breath hitched as she spoke his name. Was Cameron famous or something? Yesterday, after he messaged me, I freaked out and went to bed early without answering.

Olivia's blue eyes practically burned holes through my skull. She was the only human being who knew about my twitter account, and only because I had accidentaly let it slip. I looked at her, panick visible in my eyes.

"Of course, who knew he could be so down to earth?" Said Hayley.

"Oh, he's so down to earth he's on the GROUND!" Tracy said without a hint of unseriousness.

We all looked at each other and burst out laughing. I clutched my sides as I watched Hayley fall to the ground.

Who knew such a perfect afternoon could go so wrong so quickly?

Camerons P.O.V

We were walking down a quiet street in Cape Cod, not many people around.. I loved vacation, I haven't signed an autograph in hours, I love my fans and all but being able to walk around without being attacked is nice.

My family and I had just gotten some starbucks and Maya was currently juggling her cotton candy frappuccino while trying to walk backwards.

A couple walked by, snuggling into each other. "PDA alert.." I mumbled looking down. Immediately I felt guilty. I can't help it, usually I was all for young love, but maybe everyone was right. 14 and I've never kissed a girl? How come I can't seem to find a nice girl who likes me for me? God I sound like a chick. Maybe I should just date myself...Oh My God, What if I'm gay?

Suddenly, a bus stop pulled into view along with a small crowd of people. A group of giggling girls could be seen near the front. The ginger one fell down laughing right infront of an oblivious Maya.

Before anyone could warn her, Maya tripped over the girl, spiling her drink all over a godess in high tops.


Hey Guys!  This is my first fanfic so bear with me!

Also, I mean no offense towards gays, the comment was purely out of shock.

Keep on keepin' on!


PS. Im going to call you guys my pancakes, kk?

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