What happens when Alexis a scavenger from the outer rim trades her house for a space ship and as she is travelling meets the one and only Kylo Ren. He forces her to join the fist order but what happens when Supreme leader snoke forces them to get ma...
"Look Alexis. I am getting sick of this ok. Can you please just give me my shampoo and stop all this?" Kylo asked kindly.
"What is it to you?" I asked.
"A happy healthy relation ship." Kylo replied.
"Hhhmmm fine I guess." I said.
I sent phasma a message saying to bring the shampoo back. She dropped it off five minutes later. Once kylo had a shower he came out and sat down on the bed.
" we need to talk about the wedding." Kylo said to me.
" yea. Me and phasma are going to go to Naboo and look of dresses. Can you and Hux pick out the cake and the food?" I asked.
"Yea sure." He said.
With that I went to meet phasma in the docking bay.
When we got to Naboo we went to lots of dress shops and finally found the perfect wedding dress. It was white with a floral lace as the long sleeves. The lace covered the schoolers and chest and went down to under the breasts. From under the breast line the dress was a free flowing silk kind of material. (Inspiered by my sisters wedding dress. Please excuse the baby bump)
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I looked at myself in the mirror and decided this is the perfect one so we ended up getting it.
The brides maids dresses where a plan teal with some lace on it. They were also sleeveless.
Once we had then we went back to the ship to get rest to go back to the star killer.
When we got back I took the dresses to show kylo.
I wet Into the room and heard the shower on. I set the dresses on the bed and decided to go and get some food that I could put in the still empty fridge. As I was walking down to the mess hall I saw rick.
"Rick!" I called out. Roc turned around and started walking to me.
" hey alexis. What are you doing?" He said as he starts to walk with me.
"Well the fridge in my room is empty and has been for who knows how long so I am going to get some food to put in it." I explain.
"Oh ok. Well I have to get to sector 47 so I'll see you around." He said.
"Ok yea see you around." I said as he left.
I went to the mess hall and got some food. Once I had all the food and five buckets of ice cream I headed back to the room. Don't judge I like me some ice cream. I was walking back to my room and as I was walking I saw Kylo.
"Kylo!!!" I yelled out to try get his attention. He turned around and I felt his aura change when he saw me.
"He Alexis. What are you doing? And what's with all the ice cream?" He asked me.
"I went to get some more food for the fridge and don't judge I just really like ice cream." I told him in and offended tone.
"Ok just save some for me tonight ok. I want ice cream as well." He said.
Yea right.
I waited for his smart come back but it never came.
"What?" I asked.
"What what?" He replied.
"You didn't read my thoughts."
" no I have decided to not read your thought for that is an invasion of your privacy."
Omg it is happening. He's stopped reading my thoughts.
"Finally. Thank you now I have to go back to the room and binge watch netflicks and eat lots of ice cream." I said as I was walking off.
Kylo started following me
"What do you want now?" I asked.
"I just want to come and watch Netflix with my fiancé." He said.