The fight.

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"Kylo GET UP NNOOOOWWWW!!!" Hux screamed as he came into the room.

"Whaaaaaaatt!" Kylo said. I could tell he was going to be grumpy today.

"We are being attacked by the resistance. Again." Hux said and just to confirm this we heard some running arming out side and people yelling across the halls.

"Alexis I want you to stay next to me at all times." Kylo said to me.

"Ok. I won't leave you. I promise" I said.

Kylo put on his gear and took my hand while we hurriedly walked down the hall. We got to the control room and Kylo was talking to some one. As he was talking a hand covered my mouth and dragged me into another room. When I turned around I saw the face of leigha.

"Omg leigha. How did you get in. And why are you here?" I asked.

"I got in cause i saw a fault in Your shield. So it was quite easy. I'm here to tell you that the resistance is going to have a massive attack on you in 1 week. Please can you and Kylo get out. I don't want you two to be killed. They are going to blow up the whole planet." She said while looking around to see if anyone was near.

"I will talk Kylo into coming on a trip with me and we won't be here when you attack." I said already thinking of how I would do it.

"ALEXIS. WHERE ARE YOU!!!" I heard Kylo scream. I could hear the worry in his voice.

"I must go. But remember what I have told you." Leigha said and with that she ran off. I walked out of the other room to find a very angry Kylo.

"Where the heck were you. You had me so worried." He said as soon as he saw me.

"I'm sorry I thought I saw a resistance member but it was just a trooper." I said lying hoping that he would get off my back.

"Ok but next time tell me and I will come with you. Ok. I can't lose you." He said to me.

"I know and I will. I promise." I said.

"Sir. The resistance members are retreating. What do we do?" Hux asked.

"Let them go. They came and now they are going. Just let them go." Kylo said in a relaxed voice.

"Yes sir." Hux said. He sounded kinda confused but did what Kylo wanted any way.

Once we were sure that all the resistance fighters were gone then me and Kylo went back to the room.

"Are you ok?" I asked Kylo.

He took of he helmet and looked at me with confused eyes.

"I felt her presence on the base. But not only was she in the base but she was in a room next to the one I was in. The one you came out of." He paused. "You saw her didn't you."

Oh crap. What am I gonna tell him.

I looked him in the eyes.

"Who are You talking about?" I asked him.

"Leia. I am taking about leia!!!  My mother who sent me away!!" He started yelling. I could see the flame I'm his eyes. I could tell I was in deep trouble.

"Kylo calm down. I saw her but I didn't know she was your mother and I didn't even talk to her. So calm done before you kill some one." I said. As he was yelling I had founded myself backed up against a wall. I slowly started to walk towards him.

"I'm sorry. I know that you didn't know that she was my mother and I trust that you didn't talk to her. Please forgive me. I shouldn't have started to yell at you like that." I could heard the sadness in his voice. 

" come Kylo. You know what you need. A training session." He looked at me and nodded.

We walked hand in hand to the room and when we got there we went straight to sparing. I must admit that I was so caught up in the wedding and every thing that I was kinda rusty and needed a lot of training. But Kylo hadn't stopped training so he had me on the ground within fifteen minutes.

After training we went back to the room. When I had finished my shower I then went to bed and feel a sleep.

What a day

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