Ch 3: The Question Round

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Chapter 3: The Question Round

I hear a knock at the green room door and the P.A. sticks his head in, "Guys it's time to go; here are your name tags. Put them on and meet me on set so I can introduce the host to you."

We put all our books and iPads away and pin our name tags to our chests and walk back out through the studio.  North said it was okay to use our real names since the Academy will be deleting our will never air and it makes me a little sad I won't really be on television, but I know it's for the best.

Arriving at the set I notice it looks exactly like a supermarket. There are rows of shelves of dry goods and along the outer edges are low shelves with cold products such as meats and dairy. To our right are three cash register lanes equipped with conveyor belts and shopping carts, but directly in front of us is what makes this a game show. A counter where the host stands facing three contestant stands with a digital screen on the front of each.

"Thank you all for participating in Supermarket Sweep! We usually film in front of a live audience, but as you can see," the P.A. says as he sweeps his hand towards the empty stands behind us, "we don't have any audience today. Since we are still working out the kinks we are saving the audience for the episode featuring all champions. If you win the Bonus Sweep today you will be asked back for the final episodes for a chance to win two luxury cars!"

"Woot! Woot!" Luke exclaims while Gabriel and I cheer as well. The other team cheers and claps too, but North just stands there.

"Okay, this is your host Mr. Blake Dieb. Let's get the show started! Make sure to listen to his instructions as well as any instructions the Director gives you while filming. I will no longer be on set, so all instructions will come directly from him." He points out a person near the cameraman who I just now noticed is Silas. I resist the urge to wave...barely.

The director walks over, "You can call me Ed. Now everyone pick a product out of these three." He lifts a sheet off a nearby table and Gabriel along with the girl from the other team race to grab a product. Since North didn't move I go and grab the remaining one: a large package of Always Infinity Pads.

"This is perfect!" the director says with a chuckle. "Okay these are the products you will hold up when the announcer introduces your team and you race around the aisle and go to your spot at the contestant stand. Understand?" I nod, remembering how at the beginning of the episode the contestants run out looking excited holding up a product, most likely one from a sponsor.

"Okay, blondie" the director points at Luke, "You will hold up the cookies. Girl." He says pointing to the brunette on the other team. "You will hold up the cereal. And smile while doing so, okay? And you, black shirt. You will hold up the feminine product."

Gabriel and Luke snicker and I blush while trying to hold in my laughter at North holding up pads and looking excited for the camera. "Okay let's go! You have five minutes to look around the store and familiarize yourself with the sections. Then you need to get behind the aisle and wait for the announcer. Greek boy!! Your filming this part, get over there!" I wonder why he keeps calling us by descriptions instead of our names-- which are conveniently on our name tags. Must be the directing going to his head.

After looking at all the aisles to know where everything is we make our way around the corner of the correct aisle we will run out from and wait for the announcer to begin.

"Action!!", says the director.

"Welcome to Supermarket Sweep!" a voice says over some sort of sound system, "The game show that hides $5,000, then helps you find it! Alright who has the Chips Ahoy cookies? You're on!" the announcers says and I watch Gabriel and Luke run out around the aisle and hold up the cookies smiling, while Gabriel gives the camera a thumbs up. "Okay, who has the Kellog's Cereal? You're on!" The girl and boy team run out holding the cereal box and laughing together as they run to the contestant stands. Now it's our turn.

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