Something Differnt

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Chapter 1

The first day of college is always great unfortunately not for me, I woke up late, my mother wouldn't stop bitching at me, I spilled coffee all over my dress and that's only this morning. I think the world hates me today.

"EARTH TO SOPHIE! Are you even listening to me"

"Sorry mom I was just thinking about college. I'm worried that I won't find friends"

"Ohh Hun! Don't worry about it, you are beautiful and smart and the biggest social butterfly ever! You will do great"

Little did she know that I am none of those things, I have never had a boyfriend or had sex or even kissed a guy before and everyone says you always lose it in college. I can't wait!

We pull up to the front entrance of University of London. It's absolutely breathe taking, The snow lightly covers the ground giving it the homie feeling.


"Sorry mother, I was just looking at the sun and started daydreaming"

"You are the worst Liar ever, the sun hasn't been out for more than two days, Don't stress when I was in college.."

"Mother I really don't wanna hear about you drunken party filled college days, save that for Brittany when she gets older"

She huffed and stop the conversation. Thank The Lord above, I really didn't want to listen to that again. We started to carry my duffel bags in I have about two and one army plastic carrier that was my dads. We walk along the hall way it's unique and weird at the same time, bright pink and blue wallpaper and marble floors, odd but I like it. Room 162. I shuffle around my pocket for the room key I can hear my mom tapping her foot which makes it even more nerve racking. I finally found the stupid key.

As I open the door I am greeted by a girl. She is absolutely beautiful in a odd way, her hair is a blueish color with green tips, my mother would never let me do that, her green eyes high lite the blue in her hair even more. I'm cut out of my train of thoughts

"Hi my name is Amber and this is Niall, Harry, Liam, Louis, and this is Zayn" the blue haired girl said to me which now I know her name amber it fits her

"This is Sophie" my mother says before I can even say anything!

"Nice to meet you Sophie" they all say at the same time

"Well sof since your bags are here and it seems like your good, I'm going to leave" my mother says

"Bye mom! Love you" I say just a little bit to quickly

" I'm gonna miss you so much, look how much my baby is"

"Momm leave, I'm perfectly fine, I will call you tomorrow. Have a safe trip home"

My mother finally leaves after begging her for five minutes to leave. You can feel the Awkward in the room. I quickly finished unpacking all my stuff. I start to daydream again like always but I feel like someone is staring at me. My day dreams sadly ending by the voice of amber I believe is her name

"So where you from? Have you ever had a boyfriend? Do you have siblings? What are you majoring in?" Amber says it to fast that I feel like I just got whiplash

"I am from homes chapel, Umm no I have never had a boyfriend? I have two siblings Brittany, and Austin. I'm going to be a Writer or a Therapist, I haven't decided yet."

"You have never had a boyfriend! Your so pretty I would have guessed you already had one?

"Nope. I'm not attractive to the guys back home."

"You are hot, how can someone not want to date you!" Says the blonde hair guy, I still can't remember his name, I'm so bad with names

I can feel the heat rise to my cheeks and I look away to quickly it makes me dizzy. We kept talking about basically nothing, I would answer with either a two word answer or just shake my head yes. That was until we got on the topic about sex.

"So Sophie ever had sex" I could feel the smirk come from Harry's lips and my back was faced towards him


Cliff hanger! No one will probably read this but whatever I'm bored! Follow my Instagram _kalligriffith_

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