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10 1 2

Sorry that I haven't been on. My phone broke and so I couldn't update! But I will try to make this longer

Chapter 2

(Sophie's point of view)

"Not that it matters but no I haven't ever had sex"

"Come on baby don't be shy, its not like we are going to tell everyone if you have" that playful smirk is plastered on his face, like he just saw boobs for the first time.

"Like I said before I have never ever had sex before" I say a little bit to harsh

"Harry why does it matter to you anyways, I called dibs first" you could tell Niall had way to much confidence in that sentence

"OK I am going to go and take a shower, I will be back than we can go to the party okay boys" Amber says

Oh my I have to be alone with them, what am I going to say, should I say I have to go some where. My mind is going crazy. I'm just going to say that I'm meeting Noah for coffee, that should work right. I should text Noah and ask him first. I grab my phone by the desk.

To Noah- do you wanna meet up for coffee on campus? I need to eat something.

From Noah- yea sure. Meet me in like 10 minutes, at Café Rose? is that ok

To Noah- that's fine. see you soon!x

I grabbed a pair of shorts and a gray loose V-neck and a pair of my white converse. After I got dressed and put on mascara and put my hair up, I already was six minutes late. I don't think he will mind. I walk out of the bathroom and Harry and Liam snooping around, Louis, Zayn and Niall playing x box

" Bye guys"

"Where are you going?" asked Liam

Why does it matter to them? I guess I have been standing here for a while because they al are looking at me like I have ten eyes.

"I'm going to Café rose with a friend, why does it matter?"

"I'm just looking out for a friend that's all, call me if you need anything"

I just grabbed my bag and got out of there as fast as possible. I started walking, I wasn't that far away but it was a good four blocks. The weather is perfect, nice and crispy but some what hot, well more humid then hot. OUCH!

"Watch where you are going asshole!!" I yelled at the annoying person who just rudely bumped into me

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you there, Are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

"I'm Luke by the way"

"Well Luke didn't your mom every teach you not to look at the ground when your walking! I don't have time for this. I am already twenty minutes late"

"I'm sorry, I hope to see you around" Luke says

I just keep walking and I finally reached café rose. I can see Noah inside, he looks kind of confused and pissed.

"Hey I'm so sorry I'm late!"

"Its fine, your here now that's all that matters"

We start talking about basically nothing, just about college, is girlfriend, my mom, his family, his girlfriend. The list goes on and on.

"So see any guys that are cute?"

"I have my eye on someone but I don't think they are good for me."

" What do they look like?"

" A bunch of tattoo's, piercings, but its odd, I'm not usually attracted to people like him"

"Who is this mysterious man with tattoo's and piercings?"

"Its not just one guy its two"

Who do you think those handsome men are??????? This is a boring chapter and I'm sorry! Its super late and I'm super tired. I will try and update tomorrow. OR I might tonight. if I don't fall asleep! BYE MY SEXY READERS HAVE A GREAT NIGHT/DAY

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