Slenderman can't Settle Sexual Frustrations...

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-Normal POV-

=Slender's office=

L.J : Why am i in here? I did nothing wrong!

Necro: Shut up! We'll be spotted!

L.J: Doees this dress make me look fat?

Slenderman: Be quiet the both of you!!!

L.J/Necro : yessir!

Slenderman : I want you both to tell me what in Zalgo's dumbass name, were you doing in that forest?!

L.J: How dyo mean govna'?

Necro: Wha shoo implayin' ish thot we di' shomtin' in da woodsh?

Slenderman: ......Stop that.

Necro: Shtop whot?

L.J : She did nothing wrong my dear sir!

Slenderman: look what ever happened in the wods....settle it.

L.J/Necro: aren't you supposed to settle it?

-slender does that weird face and tentacle thing while pterodactyl screeching-

L.J/necro : -hides behind chair-

Slenderman: You two need to settle your urges before you end up humping like rabbits! i already had to confiscate BEN's weed because he let Sally smoke some! I'm serious! She was speaking to walls! WALLS!

L.J/Necro: We don't have urges. well, not towards eachother, Hey! Stop that! Grrrrr.

Slenderman: Settle it! Gah I need some Kid-O's! -leaves-

Necro: hehe Slenderman can't handle our  frustrations.

L.J : * Strangely being serious* That may be the case. but how are we going to handle this?


I'm a little weirded out. He just got all serious. like what happened the woods happened for a reason. " I think we should just let it slide." I whisped out. he nodded and we both walked out the door. As we got down stairs everyone was blushing. Smexy looked like he was in lalaland, Ms. P was covering Sally's ears. Jeff was laughing even crazier than he was. " Jeff what did you do!" I yelled. " Oh just gave them the scoop on what happened. With....details." Me and Jack both stood silent until Jack broke it " I didn't give you any details. just what happened." He looked as confused as I did.

Normal POV_

Necro: Jeff you ass hat! Quit telling them false fuck stories!

Jeff: Now way!

L.J: *eating candy because he no longer gives a shit*

Everyone: Such sexual tension.

Slenderman: *eating kid flavored ice creamin his room* Settle it!

Everyone: The fuck that come from?


Nyaha! Done. Sorry it took so long. My laptop got shot. So I'm having to borrow from a friend.



P.S I wonder how many of you actually thought this was going to be a serious story.

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