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A/n - sorry I haven't updated in like forever, I've been so so busy and obviously, writing this story isn't my main focus! With exams and everything, they're going to be my priority! Anyway, here's part 2!!

After waking up fairly early ready for school, Lily dressed herself in black ripped skinny jeans, a Green Day top with a flannel tied around her waist. She applied her usual makeup before pulling her long blonde hair into a high pony tail and grabbed her bag and headed down stairs.
'Morning sweetie!' Her mum Ella called
'Morning mum' she replied as a brief conversation carried on
'I won't be back very early tonight so I've left some money on the side for a take away if you'd like and you can invite Luke around if you want to?' Her mum said
'Can't Jack come around? I'm seeing Luke Sunday?' Lily asked
'No, you know I don't like that boy, you can ask Luke! Liz said you're not hanging out as much. This Jack kid better not be ruining your friendship with Luke!' Her mum said sternly
'No of course he isn't, I just wanted some time with Jack alone, that's all' Lily replied looking down at her bowl of cornflakes
'It's Luke or one of the girls, just not Jack. I'll ask Liz to drop you to back here! Bye sweetie!' Ella said as she grabbed her bag and headed out to work. Lily knew her mum didn't approve of Jack but that didn't stop Lily from wanting a relationship with him. He always treated Lily the way her dad treats her mum. Lily's parents have a long, and happy marriage and Lily hopes to be like her parents one day with Jack. Lily grabbed an apple for the walk to school, picked up her bag and walking out the door, being sure to lock it behind her.
'Hey Lils' Riley, Lily's best friend said as they greeted each other at the door of Lily's house,
'Hey, how was your weekend?' Lily asked
'Oh it was brilliant! Calum took me to this beautiful Italian restaurant! You and Jack should go!' Riley said. Calum was one of Lily's best friends and also Riley's boyfriend. They'd been together for about 3 months or so.
'Yeah, I guess! Or we should all go, one evening! Me, you, Jack, Luke, Cal, Mikey, Ash, Kayla and Jess! That would be good! How about Friday night?' Lily suggested as they walked in through the school gates,
'Yeah, that would be good, I'm not doing anything' Riley replied

Once they reached their friends, Jack greeted Lily with a kiss on the lips but it wasn't a gentle, loving one, more of a grab and forced one
'Hey baby' Jack said smirking
'Hi babe' Lily replied
'LUKE!' Lily screamed as she saw her best friend of 3 years come around the corner. She ran over to him and gave him the biggest hug ever.
'Hey Lils, how are you?' He laughed hugging her
'I'm all good thanks, you?'
'Hm, id be better if that dick of a boyfriend to you wasn't around' he shrugged casually
'He's not a dickhead, he's lovely' Lily replied, completely oblivious to Jack slinging his arm around the shoulder of the head cheerleader, Caitlyn. Luke just scoffed and walked over to their group.
'So guys, on Friday, there's this new Italian in town that Cal took me to that's lush so should we go for a meal? All of us?' Riley suggested
A chorus' of 'yeah's and 'great's came back so it was decided. Friday, 7pm, the group would go to the Italian for a meal. Something they hadn't done in a long time.
'That dick isn't going to be there is he?' Luke asked
'Of course! He's part of our group silly!' Lily replied giggling. Luke's never liked Jack, he knows what he's like.
'A meal with him will be interesting' Luke thought to himself as he wandered to his first lesson.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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