School sucks

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Beep beep beep
There was nothing that I hated more that mornings I swung my legs over the side of my bed as I slapped the top of my alarm clock and put on my big glasses I sat up in my bed for a minute until I realized I was going to be late if I didn't get up I walked to my closet and put on a plain black t-shirt with jeans and converse shoes then I threw my brown hair into a messy bun and and walked down the stairs to my table  my mom and dad are sitting at

"Hey " I say as u grabbed a cold slice of pizza and a cup of milk

"When will you just be a normal teenager " my father hissed at me and my mom gave him a evil look my parents have never approved of me they think I'm weird and antisocial and I guess there kinda right I really only had one friend and she was kinda goth my parents really hated her but that just made me love her more

"I got you a baby sitting job for the Philips every Friday Saturday and Sunday night for the rest of the year "I had been telling her that I needed a job but this was really going to suck ass I hated baby sitting but I pretend to be grateful anyway

"Wow thanks mom how much are they going to pay me ?" I asked her with an attitude

"They are going to pay you $40 a day and they have their nephew helping you baby isn't that great " no mom that's so not great I thought to myself but $40 a day for a year that part sounded pretty good

"Yeah mom thanks so much " I said to her really wanting to bang my head up against the wall

"Who is there nephew " I asked her she got a big grin on her pretty face

"Oh honey he's lovely in fact i think you guys go to school together " she said my dad just rolled his eyes at her excitement

"Oh okay well I got to go or I'll miss the bus " I kissed my mom and ignored my dad because he and I really didn't get along I grabbed my gray jacket and my spider man backpack and ran to the bus stop which wasn't real far from my house the bus stopped at the curb and mr William opened the door

"Well good morning nick " he said with a smile it was kinda sad that my bus driver was the only person on the bus that didn't bully me I walked to the back of the bus and sat at the very back away from everyone and I opened my  copy of Percy Jackson and the see of monsters and I was just sitting there minding my own business then  hell  walked on my bus

"Wow nice shoes nick " Andrea the mother of evil  said sarcastically

"Wow nice face " I said right back at her with a evil look

"Wow the nerd finally learned how to make a comeback " she said as she grabbed the book from my hand and started to rip pages out of it she really was evil and I was on the verge of tears when my best friend Juliet walked onto the bus

"Hey I I know you aren't picking on my best friend " she said as she grabbed the back of Andreas shirt so it was choking her slightly

"And what if we were" Amanda one of Andreas minions said

"I'll make sure your life becomes hell on earth " Juliet said and they just walked to their seats laughing and mimicking Juliet

"Thank you " I said to her as she sat down next to me she looked cute she had on a black leather mini skirt with a pink  half top matching  her bright pink hair she also had on black leather combat boots she looked cute but it really wasn't my style

"Why do you let them do that to you " she asked me with a concerned look on her face

"Because if I do anything she'll make my life more hellish that it already is " I say to her and she just looks sad

We arrived at school and the bus stopped
Everyone got out me and Juliet where the last ones out we walked to our lockers that were right next to each other's and I started to get my maths book out

"Hey freak " Peter the captain of the football team said as he hit my book making me drop it

"Get the hell away from me " I said as I picked up my book and started to walk away when someone tripped me it was Zach the linebacker of the football team he was also the captain of the swim team . I got up when I herd the scream of my best friend I turned around to find Peter holding her arms while David one of the football players but I didn't know what position he played  held his hand over her mouth she was fighting though

"J..j..just st..stop " I say to them and they just laugh

"And what will you do if we don't " David asked as he let go of Juliet's mouth and started to walk over to me he grabbed my hair and pulled it I screamed in pain
Then the bell rang

"Saved by the bell" David joked as he let go of my hair and Peter let go of Juliet and they walked away  bumping my shoulder as they left

"I'm sorry I get you into this stuff " I said to Juliet after I was positive that the boys were gone

"It's not your fault that they are assholes " she said as she stood up and swung her arm over my shoulder and we walked to maths together I was so glad that I had her because if I didn't I would have no one to stand up for me

((Don't be a silent reader tell me what you think))

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