Why was he after me ?

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After we got revenge and ice cream drew took me home and for some reason that night I couldn't sleep it was like I couldn't stop thinking about drew anything he said stuck in my head like a magnet to a fridge I was starting to actually have a crush on him witch couldn't be good I mean he has slept with that of our schools population and I didn't even realize he went to our school before the whole baby sitting crap but I love the baby sitting crap it gives me a chance to be with drew ughhhhh why did I like him I really shouldn't like him but I just couldn't help it I looked over to the clock and realized that it was 6:39 so I decided to hop into the shower I stripped down and got into  the white shower and rubbed shampoo into my straight brown hair I got out and rapped myself in a small towel I looked at my phone and I had a text from drew

Andrew is bae : hey can I come over before school and we can talk ill take you to school after

Nick: yeah sure :)

Andrew is bae: okay be there in 20

Oh my god did he say 20 as in 20 minutes I ran over to my closest and grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and a black twilight t-shirt that said I'm team Edward and a grey beanie I threw on the t-shirt and jeans and some fuzzy socks that had Santa clause on them and I rushed over to dry my hair after I was done with that I put on the beanie and my blue converse shoes  I put on foundation eye liner and mascara then I herd a knock on my front door I was really hoping that my mom or dad didn't get to it before I did I ran down stairs and opened the door it was obviously drew

"Hey " he said with a smile

"Hey dude " I say felling kinda awkward with my parents watching us

"Can we go into my room please " I say looking behind my shoulder at my scowling dad and peppy mom

"Yeah i mean it's your house " he said I grabbed his hand and drug him upstairs his hand felt do good in mine it made my have butterflies  in my belly 

"So what did you want to talk about " I say the second we were in my room

"Umm well us kissing I guess " he says and the I realized that I was still holding his had but I made no effort to move and neither did he

"Yeah " I say I couldn't bring myself to meet his eyes

"Why did you kiss me " he asked and I was so scared at that moment because I really didn't have a reason

"Umm well I um I don't I don't really know " say I see a smile creep up on his face and then I could fell his lips on mine they felt so soft I could definitely get used to this wouldn't it be great for me  nick Walter to be known as the girl that broke the bad boy then he pulled away it felt like my heart was just ripped out when he did

"Why did you just kiss me " I asked him

He got a smug look on his face and said "I don't know " he was so annoying

"Want to go and get breakfast " h asked and I vigorously shook my head

God why are you so hot

"Well I don't know " he said

"Oh my god did I just say that out loud " I asked

"Why yes yes you did "he said

We walked downstairs I could see my mom and dad watching my every move I grabbed my laptop and my maths homework and stuffed them into my spider man bag and we almost were about to leave when my dad asked

"Well who are you young man " ughhhhh of course my dad had to go and ruin my day

"I'm Andrew sir " he said

"Are you a criminal Andrew?" My dad asked what was he doing

"What umm no sir " he said

" then why do you look like you are a biker that just got out of jail " my awful dad asked him

"Well because when you are on a motorcycle you want to be wearing leather in case you crash " he said this was going down hill fast

"Okay time to go " I say grabbing drew's hand and pulling him out the door we walked over to his motorcycle and he swung his leg over I was really scared to get on with him but I didn't show it and I just got of after him

"Hold on " he said

"To what ?" I asked

"Me " he said I put my arms around him and he took off you don't really notice how fast your actually going until  your on a motorcycle but I love it I lay my head on his back I could see him smiling in the mirrors we pulled up to a I hop and he parked his bike and we got off

"Is this where we are eating?" I asked scared out of my pants

"Yeah is there a problem?" He said

"Well all the cool kids come here before school and I just don't want to get beat up in a restaurant " I say and then I could see the pity in his eyes

"I won't let anything happen to you nick I promise " he says as he kissed my forehead

"Okay " we walked in and I spotted a table with all the cool kids Andrea Zach Peter David and all Andreas little minions

"Table for 4 please " he says

"4 " I  question

"Yeah Isaac and Jacob are coming to " he said and if on cue the walked in

"He girly " Isaac said

"Hey Isaac " I say back with little to no excitement in my voice

"This way please " the waiter says he walked us to a table and just to my luck it was the table right next to the one Andrea was at goody ( note the sarcasm)

((don't be a silent reader tell me what you think)) 😘

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