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Yeah, probably not the best way to start my story but... I'm gonna start it anyway if you like it or not. So, suck it up buttercups and deal with it. I was what? 28 years old when I died? I know, I must have not had enough years to live. Or even a full life to live. But, it had to go.

You see, there was this war that lasted over a decade. A war that I had taken a part in since I was 18. Plus, it was World War III. With a wannabe Adolf Hitler added in.

I know, you must be thinking. "What do you mean there was a World War III?" Or "What's a wannabe Adolf Hitler?"

I'll answer those two questions while I explain to you what happened.
I'll start answering the first question, I may have started World War III. You might be wondering if I started it with a big bomb that said Let's Start World War III!!! with a big smiley face on the side of it.
Yeah no... I didn't do that. I mean, where am I going to get my hands on a bomb? At the flea market?

I was kinda like Captain America. But minus the badassery part. Or with the badassery? I don't know. But what I do know is, I started World War III by being the good guy.

Apparently sending the bad guy to Prison is not a good thing in my world. This particular bad guy had connections all over the globe. And this bad guy was seriously pissed off at me, so he decided to act on revenge.

Now, mind you, forgive and forget is my motto. But, this guy didn't cut the cake. He was particularly known as a serial killer. He would either send someone to do the killing or do it himself in person. But who he killed is another question.

He went around killing people who weren't 'pure' or 'perfect' in his eyes. Kinda like Adolf Hitler, who killed anyone with brown hair and brown eyes or with an imperfection.

The crazy mans name was well... he called himself the right hand of God. Or True God. All I know is this, he was a psychopath. And I just had to kick his ass.

So... I did. I kicked his ass to Prison. It probably took the FBI or the CIA, a long time to catch him. And I came in, with no experience at all in the "catching the bad guy" stuff. I think I'm on the FBI and CIA shit list. 

Anyways... the bad guy somehow contacted the outside world and made a mission.
On me.
Well, not at me. More like, at my own family and friends. Making me an orphan at the age of 18. Which led me to enlist into the military. Then shit happened and the War started, lasting for 10 years. 

And there you have it.  My explanation as to what happened. So far. How I died is another question.

I got struck by lightning is how I died. Ironically, from being tortured to getting hit by bullets is what didn't kill me. But lightning? That's what kicks my bucket? I know the side affects from being struck by lightning and that death is one of them. That would scare anyone but me, I don't fear death like I should be doing. But, I just didn't give a damn. Until now. 

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