**I would like to dedicate this chapter to my 4th grade teacher, because of her I love to write. Words can never describe how much I'm thankful for her. Thank you!**
Hello, my name is Bailey Lynn Potter the older sister of Harry James Potter and I am 15 years old. I've lived with Tonks ever since I was 3. I love her like a big sister.
My best friends are Fred and George Weasley. The big pranksters at Hogwarts. We all go way back. But that is another story to tell.
I got up out of bed and pulled my hair in a low ponytail. My hair was getting long. In fact, pass my bottom. I went downstairs and heard sizzling. Tonks must be cooking breakfast. I sniffed around. I could smell something delicious Tonks was wiping up.
"I can smell waffles!" I exclaimed, when I walked into the kitchen.
"Yes, you can." Tonks bocked, at me while she turned her mouth into a chickens beak. I tried not to giggle.
"You're so funny." I said.
"I forgot to tell you, Bailey, you have to go to the Burrow the rest of the summer. After you eat you go pack. I got called in for work till you go back to Hogwarts." She said.
While I was eating Tonks was staring at me contently. She was really interested in all of my moves.
"What?" I asked.
"You eat like a pig." She said snorting. I realized that she turned into a pig.
"Not funny." I said.
"Okay, we should get to the Burrow now." She said.
"Let me get my stuff packed!" I said running upstairs to my room. After what seemed like a million years I was finally done. "Ready!" I yelled.
We then apparated to the Burrow where I was immediately pulled into a hug. When whoever let me go I found out the person who hugged me was Ginny.
"It's so great to see you, it's been forever!" She exclaimed.
"I missed you so much! I'm glad we are sharing a room!" I said.
Then, Molly came in and gave me her famous bone crushing hugs.
"It's so nice to have you, dear. Come, come, Fred and George will be down in a moment. Are you hungry?" Molly said.
"No, I ate before I came, but thank you." I replied.
"Your welcome, dear. FRED! GEORGE! Get down here this instance!" Molly yelled.
"What is it birth giver?" Fred said, with George at his side coming down the stairs.
"BAILEY!" George yelled, giving me a bone crushing hug like his mom.
"Hey! It's been a while since I've seen you two." I said.
"Sure has." Fred said also giving me a bone crushing hug.
"Can't breath!" I said teasing him.
"Hey, mum can we-" George started saying.
"go to the lake?" Fred finished.
"Okay, but be back before dark." Molly said.
"Hold on Bailey let me say goodbye." Tonks said.
"Okay." I said.
"Now remember to write to me and if you need anything let me know and I will send it, okay" She said.
"Okay, love you!" I said.
"Love you too! Be good for Mr. and Mrs. Weasley!" She said.
"Oh, she won't be a problem at all." Molly said.
"Well, thank you Molly for watching her." Tonks said.
"You're welcome, dear." Molly replied.
After that we spent the whole day at the lake. We came back and ate then went to bed.
Today was the best day ever with the twins...
How was that chapter? Please
Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon (depending on the time you read this)xoxo-Hermionethewriter86

That One Twin [Weasley Twins]
FanfictionThis fanfic is about Bailey Potter and her mischievous life at Hogwarts with her infamous best friends; the Weasley twins. Although, Fred and George has a huge secret they're keeping up their sleeves away from Bailey, and it might ruin their friend...