Chapter Two

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**I would like to dedicate this chapter to UnknownWrxter she was the one to get me on Wattpad and has been my best friend since I can remember. Thank you!**

The next morning I was woken up by screaming. I ran out of Ginny's room and saw a furious green haired Ron. With the twins rolling on the floor laughing right beside him.

I began laughing and I got a death look from Ron. "How'd you come up with that prank?" I asked Fred and George.

"Well, me and Forge here put green dye in Ron's shampoo." Fred said between laughs.

"Yeah, probably our best prank yet!" George said.

"It was pretty good." I said, "Well I'm going to get change."

"Okay, we will talk about our plans today at breakfast." Fred said.

"Sounds great!" I replied and went into Ginny's room to get dress.

I put on my ripped skinny jeans, burgundy ombré shirt, timberlands, a black ring from mom, an antler ring from dad, and of course my wand.

After that I went downstairs to get some breakfast. As I came into the room Fred nudged George and George started blushing. Weird. I sat down in between the twins.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked.

"Well Gred and I are going to be testing out pranks to day." George said evilly smiling.

"Okay, cool." I said worried.

"And you are our tester." Fred finished.

"No! Why do I have to?" I whinnied.

"Because your our only friend." The twins said at the same time.

"That's a lie if I ever heard one!" I exclaimed.

We started to eat and it was scrumptious. I forgot all about how wonderful Molly was at cooking. The twins finished first so they went upstairs to do who knows what.

"Thank you, Molly. It was really amazing." I said.

"Oh, your welcome and thank you." Molly said.

As I was walking up the stairs I heard Fred and George talking so I stopped by the door and tried to listen to their conversation.

"So, let me get it straight. Your madly in love and you don't think she likes you back." Fred said.

I suddenly felt a feeling I'm not use to in the pit of my stomach. Jealousy...

"Yeah," George said, "How do you think I can win her over? I've heard she's been still talking to that Cedric guy the one in Hufflepuff.

"I don't know dude, I doubt she fancies Cedric though. She has standards." Fred said.

"I sure do hope so." George said.

"Anyways, when do you think she's  coming up." Fred asked.

"I don't know. BAILEY!" George yelled.

"Bet you had fun saying that." Fred teased.

"Shut up." George mumbled.

That was an interesting conversation.

"I'm here." I said and walked into the room.

That day went by fast. This was the first time I had fun since the end of last year. I ended up with bleach blonde hair by the end of the day. Yay! Note my sarcasm. But, thankfully it will be gone within a week just right after we go to Hogwarts.

"CHILDREN! GET DOWN HERE!" Molly yelled.

"Coming!" I yelled back.

We then started to make our way downstairs.

"Okay, so we are going to the Leaky Cauldron for the remainder of the summer." Arthur explained to us.

"Will Harry be there?" I asked wanting to know where my little brother was.

"As a matter of fact yes he is already there.. So pack up! We will leave when Hermione arrives." Molly said.

After that we got packed and went to the Leaky Cauldron. The next few days went by like a blur. In the morning me, Fred, and George would be entering our OWL's year. We will be going to Hogwarts.




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