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4-Daddy's Princess
(I'm going to skip to when there at their dads place)
Quinn's POV
We just getting to dads place we run up the stairs we find a room but there's a big wood thingy in our way "Quinn see if you can fit under this" Logan said while him and Hesh lifted the wood up I got down on my tummy and crawled under it I stood up and the wood fell "Shit go find dad we'll find a another way up" Hesh yelled I nodded and ran up the stairs a Fed solider came out of no where's and threw me into a wall I groaned in pain I looked up and saw the man had a knife come at me Riley came out hell knows where and jumped at the man but he easily throw Riley at a wall he then turned his attention back to me he was about to stab me but I grabbed his wrist he was getting to strong for me and he started to dig the knife in my heart"QUINN" Hesh yelled then shot the man in the head Logan what to pick up Riley "Shit it's worse then it looks" Hesh said "I'm fine" I said and started to get up but then fell down when the roof stared to fall I groaned in pain again when a piece of the roof fell on my tummy the roof fall in and 3 ghost who I guess we're Keegan and Merrick and a different dude Merrick helped Hesh the unnamed ghost helped Logan it was just Keegan and I he picked me up bridal style and we got up to the chopper Keegan lied me down on the bed thing and pulled up my shirt which was now covered in blood  he stitched me up the sat me up so I was no longer on my back "Hey we're not going anywhere" Logan Said getting up "Calm down kid" Keegan Sadi the pushed him "Hey were just saved your asses" Merrick said I growled but no one heard "we didn't need your help" Logan said pushing Merrick. Merrick then pushed Logan onto the bench where I was "The hell you didn't princess almost got killed" Merrick fought back then the other ghost cams into the picture "Stow it all of you" he said "We have to go back out dads down there and were not leaving with out him" I said getting up "That's real admirable of you but your dads not down there anymore" the ghost said while slowly pushing my to sit down again the ghost slowly remove this mask to reveal DAD "DAD" I yelled and pulled him into a hug "Quinn princess I missed you so much" he whispered into my Blue hair (She dyed it)"also WHATS WITH THE HAIR TATTOOS AND PERICINGS"dad yelled "just for fun" I said then ran behind Keegan for help

Sister(Call of duty Ghosts)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora