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Next week had arrived, and to Drake, it felt like little time had passed. No conclusion had been reached, but he stood no chance to begin with, especially because he was never very comfortable with soul searching. More so where he found himself now, one week short on time.

Caine had cornered him after a tense, awkward meal in the dining hall.
All throughout their dinner, Caine's dark eyes would penetrate Drakes comforting veil of anger and over all grumpiness, until the tension between them was palpable. Even Diana had given up and walked away. Caine grimly acknowledged that she was leaving, and then returned his attention back to the blonde sitting across from him.

Drake had changed, going from gleeful and menacing in attitude to sulky and reserved. No less angry or sadistic, however.

That showed especially well when Caine had him pinned to the wall with only a few inches of mildly breathable air between them. Drakes eyes would light up in his usual urge to hurt, but there was something else. Fear? Reservation? Discomfort...

Caine leaned in close, "My room or yours?"

Drake nodded, specifying, feeling very small, "Yours." It had to be Caine's room. He wasn't sure he'd be able to sleep in the same bed, much less the same room, he'd been fucked in, regardless of his already poor sleeping habits.

Caine pulled Drake along, with a little help from his telekinesis, but it was barely noticeable, more like a subtle push to it's receiver who stumbled towards Caine's dorm.

The door locked with a click, and Caine ran his fingers through his dark hair, gesturing for Drake to sit on the edge of his bed. Caine found some pride in that the blonde did everything he wanted without him having to use his power.

Powers would be little use now, anyways. "Drake, I need to talk with you before we continue." For once, he used 'with' instead of 'to'. Caine was usually too authoritative to talk 'with' someone, but this had little to do with authority now.

Caine had taken a liking to Drake, especially due to their last endeavor, and although Caine had feelings for Diana, they had become little compared to how he felt about Drake. There was just something so much better about being with the blonde instead of mentally being with Diana.

For one, Diana was someone he couldn't over power and truly, in his mind, be with. She was witty, sarcastic, and didn't take him as seriously as he wanted, much contrary to Caine's other companion; Drake.

No, Drake was so wonderfully loyal, malleable, and the perfect right hand man. He was just resistant enough to be interesting, but not enough to be a threat. And Caine had grown to like him, for more than just being useful.

But how to say it? That was the question now, not if or why he liked Drake, but how they could be together and where to start. "Do you remember last time?"

Drake wrinkled his nose, uncomfortable with how Caine was acting, so unleaderly, and the question at hand. Of course he hadn't forgotten. "Yes."

"Well, last time... I prefer what we did last time." Caine had taken to nibbling on his thumb.

"What do you mean?" Drake had become cautiously incredulous.

"You're better than Diana... I mean, I think I prefer you." Drake still looked like he wasn't getting it, didn't want to get it, confused about if this was a good or bad thing in his mind. Caine clarified, biting hard on his nail, "I like you, Drake."

The blonde felt his blood run cold. He suddenly wanted something to do with his hands, because they trembled and he desperately wanting to hide that. He curled them into fists.

"I'm leaving." Avoiding Caine, Drake stood from the bed, like the dark haired boy was contagious on his way to the door. Drake was about to open it, and bolt down the hall, but it was too late and he couldn't move.

Caine held him still, containing the blonde in a force field, but refused to speak. He felt embarrassed. He shouldn't have said that, but he could at least get it straightened out instead of leaving the words hanging in the air.

"Don't go." Caine sounded so disorderly, unlike his usual manner, that Drake was visibly disturbed by it. "Just stay here for a bit. We can talk about this."

Caine held him for a long time, before Drake muttered, "You can let me go." Immediately, the pressure was gone but Drake did not run. Caine took a deep, shaky breath and prepared to deal with the affliction of his emotions.

"Drake, I like Diana." The blonde flinched, still not facing Caine. "But, you're better to me than her."

"How so?" Spite and pride crept into his voice.

Caine returned to his upfront self. "Because I control you, and you resist, but you satisfy me."

Drake clenched his fists in rage filled denial. Caine walked closer to him, placing a hand on his trembling shoulder. "Turn around." As if proving Caine's point, the blonde turned, gray eyes freezing.

Preventing the boy from flinching away, Caine clutched Drakes blonde hair in his hand and pulled him into a kiss. Drake staunchly resisted, but was gently coaxed by Caine's warm tongue into kissing back.

Although the blondes movements were shaky, he wasn't cold, in fact the opposite. He just lacked experience. Caine didn't mind, as it served to his enjoyment. The more awkward Drake perceived these moments, the more fun he was.

They broke the kiss, and Drake was pulled, protesting, to the bed by Caine and into his lap.

"Follow my lead." Drake did, begrudgingly always did. Caine was dominating the kiss, Drake slowly growing accustom but not any less shaky, until they finally broke free.

"Was that good?" Caine raised an eye brow and ran his tongue over his lips, which Drake had become to know intimately.

"I want to leave, Soren." Drake almost pleaded, the anger in his gray eyes barely disguising his discomforting emotions.

"It's late now, please stay." Caine gestured to the bed, trying to invite the blonde.

Responding to Drakes critical look, Caine assured, "Don't worry, we won't do any thing."

Drake considered his options. He'd rather die than spend the night with Caine Soren, but then again, he didn't want to be caught by the night staff and deal with even more trouble.

Drake conceded, and the blonde let Caine pull him under the covers. There was only a few inches between them, and Drake huddled facing away from Caine. However, he couldn't escape Caine's warm breath on the back of his neck, or the arms which had encircled him. This was going to be a longer night than usual.

Perhaps it was the rhythm of Caine's steady breath on the back of Drakes neck, or it was the exhaustion of his once heighten nerves caused by the kissing, but Drake dozed off regardless.

However, his night leading up to sleep had been long and stressful, his eyes wondering helplessly in the darkness of Caine's room.

Drake wasn't afraid because of nightmares, the dark, or that they might be caught. He was afraid because, deep down, he knew he liked Caine Soren. Sooner rather than later, Drake would need to escape from those feelings. But on that night, as he fell into sleep, Drake decided that he was perfectly content right where he was for the time being.

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