C10: New Friends

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Yo! Whats up!? c: I'm thinking of doing a collad with a friend of mine (if she stops being a lazy asshole!) and write another story, but I really enjoy staying focused on this one and seeing all the amazing feedback you guys have been giving me! I can't even explain how awesome you guys are! Votes and comments are appreciated! If you have a suggestion or story idea I'd love to hear it! I love you guys! Baii Lovelies! (p.s. Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks! :3 lol)


When Ryan finally parked the car, I leaped out and ran to the ticket stand. "What the hell, Mary!,"he yelled," Wait for me!". I continued to run until I reached the entrance. "I win!,"I announced when Ryan caught up with me. "That's total bullshit.,"he stated,"You started running before I did! That's not fair."

He pouted and I laughed. "Stop whining!",I told him,"But I would have won even if we started at the same time!". He smirked. "You sound pretty confident.". I nodded.

"Can we get some tickets while we wait for your friends?",I asked. I really wanted to ride the enormous roller coaster. "Sure.",he said,"They should be here any minute.". He walked up to the ticket booth.

I rubbed my arm nervously. His friends are what are scaring me. Not wanting to seem like a loner, I walk to where Ryan is and grab his hand. As soon as his hand was in mine, tingles shot up and down my arm.

I gasped softly. "What is it?",Ryan asked. I shook my head, but I turned away to hide the blush that had risen to my face. "Ryan!",a southern accent called. A few moments later a man with a bear hat had jumped onto Ryan's back.

"Seriously?",Ryan asked. The man just smiled and looked over at me. "Hi, I'm Ken!,"he said. I grined at the bearded man. "Nice to meet you, Ken!",I said as I shook his hand.

"Are you gonna get off my back?",Ryan asked. "Nope, it's safe up here!",Ken answered. Ken had his legs wraped around Ryan's waist and his arms around his shoulders.

"Why is it safer on Ryan's back?,"I asked.

"KEN I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!", a Swedish voice hollered. I think I spoke to soon.

"What did you do?",Ryan asked. The man the voiced belonged to finally came out of a group of cars and as soon as he saw Ken, he was sprinting towards us.

"I'm so sorry, Felix! Please don't hurt me!",Ken screamed. The man stoped and I got a good look at him. He was very tall, and his shagy dirty blond hair was in his eyes. He had a pair of headphones around his neck, while on his head was a grey bennie.

"What would you do if I decide not to punch you?",the man asked. "I'll give you all my deserts while your here!",Ken bargained. He tilted his head as if considering the proposal. "Kk.",he said plainly. He looked at me and than at Ryan.

"Who's your girly friend, Ryan?",he said teasingly.

"Oh sorry guys!",Ryan said,"This is my friend Mary! I met her a few days ago and she's really cool! Plus she's a fucking gamer." I stuck out my hand to Ryan's other friend, but instead he pulled me into a hug.

"My name is Felix!",he said,"Nice to meet you!".

He let go and I smiled at him. Wow, Ryan's friends are nicer than I thought they would be. "You guys wanna go in now?",Ryan asked. I stared at the entrance with big eyes. "Let's fucking get to it!",I said excitedly.

Ryan chuckled and shouted,"Excelsior!". Me, Felix, and Ken looked at each other, put our fist in the air, and shouted,


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