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Phoenix's POV:
I noticed my sister having a strange look on her face. Did she not like the surprise? Once we were out of ear-shot I asked "Whats with the weird look Petra?" "Oh it's just Ryan asked me something and it made me remember about 'the subject we never speak of'" She answered. "You can't change what's in the past, which is why you should make the best of the future" I said trying to comfort my sister. She gave me a confused look. "That uh, sounded better in my head" I said embarrassed. "Well we have that in common" she said laughing "Yeah we both are terrible with quotes" I said also laughing.
Lukas POV:
Finally I found a dungeon I spent hours looking for one. I know the Ocelots are going to be mad at me but it takes long to find a dungeon. I got out my pickaxe and broke the zombie spawner inside. I checked the chests to see if I could find a enchanted book to give Petra. Efficiency could be useful for her or maybe sharpness? I found string, a iron sword, name tag, and sharpness. Well now to make my way back to Petra's. Hopefully she's not too mad at me 😓.
Normal POV:
Petra was glad Ryan didn't mention 'the subject' anymore it was making her feel uncomfortable. The sun was setting and Lukas still had not arrived. Petra thought that maybe he forgot but then why did the other Ocelots come? Petra decided to go talk to Ryan, they didn't notice Pheonix, who was keeping a close eye on them.
Ryan's POV:
I saw Petra approach me probably to tell me not go mention 'that'. I swear I didn't mean to make her feel uncomfortable. "Hey Ryan Lukas still hasn't arrived" she said. Lukas she only cared about him. I never have met him but already I hate him. Trying not to disappoint her I replied "I'm sure he'll come soon" Oh but if he did come, he would pay if he tried to make a move on Petra😈
Normal POV:
Petra decided to forget Lukas for a while and enjoy her birthday. As someone was about to open the door, Pheonix teleported herself and that 'unknown person' somewhere nearby. "What took you so long Petra's been waiting for you!?" Pheonix said just loud enough for him to hear and no one else. "It takes time to look for a dungeon okay?" He answered. "Fine..." Pheonix said. "Didn't you say she was looking for the sharpness enchantment?" "Yes" "Well I got it for her" "Okay I guess that makes up for you being late..." After 5 minutes Pheonix teleported them both back to Petra's house. Lukas went inside and gave Petra her present "I can't believe you actually came!" Petra said hugging Lukas which made Ryan jealous."Uhh hello to you too?" Lukas said confused. After Petra left Ryan walked up to Lukas "Stay.away.from.Petra" he said "I did nothing she hugged me" Lukas answered. "Well stay away from her anyway" Ryan said angrily."Did do something to you? " Lukas asked getting a bit tired of Ryan's over-protectiveness. "Guys guys calm down" said Pheonix mainly to Ryan. "Alright princess" he said mockingly. "Shut up and don't call me princess!" She said crossing her arms and pouting.

"Who does he think he is calling me princess" Pheonix said angrily. "Well I wasn't expecting her to hug me" Lukas said still confused. "Even I was surprised" Pheonix answered "Also I explained what you told me go the Ocelots and they had a message for you" "What was it?" he asked "All of them said *whisper* Lukas and Petra sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Pheonix said trying not to laugh. "Does that include you?" said Lukas facepalming. "Yes?" She said and left.

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