Sleepless part 3

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sorry it took so long, I've been getting sidetracked XP, sooo then lovelies, here's part 4 xx

Stacey? okay then you know where it is :P


- chapter 3-

Me and Jess left jay's at around 9, we both lived in the same direction, so we spent the walk chatting. This mainly included me answering all of his questions about jelly-babies.

"no they do not spit fucking fire when being fed after midnight you idiot."

"just asking" she said with a grin, walking quietly in the shade. He glanced at me briefly before chuckling. "Your a nutter" he said shaking his head.

"You don't think I know that?" i replied laughing.

"can I give you my number then, seeing as we've work out where to meet for the cinema, ya know, 'cause you don't know where it is. Me and Jay have ice hockey till four, so maybe we could all meet around 5 at mine?"

"sure, but you realise we did just plan it?" I smirked, pulling out my phone to give to him. Jess didn't grab my phone like Jay though, and I appreciated him for that. I didn't like people touching me too often, it put me on edge big time, but thanks to my random acts of sarcasm and humour people didn't pick up on it. He typed in his number quickly, Glancing up now and then to see where he was going, then handed it back to me with a grateful look.

"ok, well see ya tomorrow Hannah."

Huh? Oh, I'd zoned out again. This has got to stop happening to me! Maybe it was just because all these houses looked pretty much identical? I glanced around to make sure and found the number. 6 Keanen street. Yup, right house. Okay so I was just really un-observant after all. Whatever...

"Yeah see ya." I answered half heartedly , still in a mental debate with myself over my perceiving qualities as I paced up the drive and to my door. When I turned around to wave goodbye Jess was already half way down the street with head phones in, great, so I was a slow walker now too.

After going inside and eating Pizza with my mom and dad, much to my disapproval. How could my mom just sit there and laugh and smile and find the terrible jokes my dad was coming up with?! They were really mad after all...   I wondered around afterwards, trying to find the den and it's  TV set. Hey it's a big house! After a while I saw some orange poking through a gap in one of the doors and ventured lazily towards it to get some well deserved rest the exceptionally long ten minutes I had spent on my feet. I just love to embrace my laziness. I walked in through the door, probably looking like someone who just found paradise, gazing around with a mixture of wonder and frustration on my face. Wonder for the cozy ambiance my mom had somehow managed to create perfectly, and frustration because I couldn't see the remote anywhere. After a long fifteen minutes of disorganising, and re-organising everything in the room, I finally found the remote under the mat, under a beanbag, behind a curtain (don't ask me...?) I took my chance and dived carelessly onto the black sofa-bed and switched on The Big Bang Theory. This has got to be one of my favourite shows ever, apart from friends, obviously.

I Lent back into the plushy cushions and got myself comfy watching Penny get addicted to 'world of conan', yeahh... that's not a W.O.W rip off at all..., when I got a text from Jay.

Hey gorgeous :), cinema tomorrow, turns out it's 'epic re-runs week', so you've got the choice of Twighlight, Titanic, Jurassic park, harry potter 3 and Shrek?

I rolled my eyes at his comment and texted back easily making my choice.

we both know it has to be Shrek! lol

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