Sleepless part 4

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Jay  XD ---->

-Chapter 4-

I dragged myself away from my white painted, now coffee smelling desk on saturday morning feeling drained and completely exhausted. It's not like I would've slept anyway though; I'm just not in control of my sleeping habits any more. The insomnia kicked in immediatly after the accident, I can't help it these days. I'd sat myself down at my desk at five that morning with a stack of  books on protective and defensive spells  from my shelves on the side of my room and a couple dozen web pages from my laptop with instructions.

After about 3 hours of extensive research, safety precautions, step-by-step help, tarot reading, rune questioning and mental debate over my power's cabalities, I narrowed it down to two spells that would work to my needs; The first requiring several of my crystals, an enchantment and two grams of witch hunter blood. But seeing as there wasn't a witch hunter around this town, that left me with the only other option. For this spell, I needed a pretty complex spell involving quite a bit of my own blood, a secure circle, incense and a naturally bonded piece of onyx and selenite crystal, which I naturally didn't have.

Selenite is a white crystal used by witches for protection, power and healing, same witch onyx if you add passion and intuition to the mix, so that made sense, but it's rare to find naturally bonded  pieces of the opposite coloured crystal. The bigger the crystal, the more powerful it's energy is, meaning that if the two are imbalanced the spell might not work as effectively and I could quite basically, well, die. However, if I can somehow get a hold of a large piece of selenite that matches the size and shape of my smooth, black onyx crystal, hanging on a cord, by the large windows on the wall to the right of my door where the side of my house holding the path that leads around my house, to my lawn, I could attempt a completely natural bonding proccess that requires no other use than that of the four elements. I'll have to cleanse and charge it though, otherwise negative energy could seriously fuck with me.

Negative energy is often picked up by crystals and kept. therefore rubbing off on the owner and making their life hell, the opposite of what they probably bought the crystal for. Outsiders that purchase crystals for help often don't realise that the people who previously handled it were greedy and self-absorbed though, meaning that the crystals can hurt their chakras, not help to fix them. Cleansing and charging crystals can help to clean and refresh the crystals of neagative energy so that they can do their job and help the owner.

I sat quietly, rtying to pace my thoughts, how am I supposed to keeep myself alive long enough to work the spell? First I needed to find some selenit, then it needed to by burried in the ground for a week! I was dead freakin meat, I needed to work on a plan to save my life. It was too late now. Far too late, I'd made a mental connection with him, and I was pretty sure I was within their afinity now, meaning my neck was literally on the line.

A blood afinity, is a vampire's specialized blood preference, they will find all other blood tasteless and unsatisfying in contrast, as though it were just water. It's like having a full blown coffee addict try and live off de-caf, not a good result. The vampire will literally crave and ache and go insane until it drinks the blood of that type of person, the pain will only grow. Some vampires preferred liar’s blood, or virgin blood, it's not their fault, they'll just love it, it'll be the most amazing thing, but drinking other types of human blood just won't quench their thirst, only make them slightly less hungry, like wanting chocolate cake but being given carrots, good for you, but tasteless and boring, whereas the blood of their affinity is like pure gold. Cherished and needed. All I needed was to work out that vampire’s affinity...

I spent the day quite basically in a dream, meditating, trying to calm my myself until it became second nature and I could slow my blood pressure instantly, it didn't work though and in the end I got pretty drunk and gave up. I'd planned to drink only one can of Foster's every hour, I needed to be able to keep some of my senses after all. I wasn't a big drinker though and don't think I realised how off I was with the time periods, I guess it went pretty wrong because I ended up all giggly on the floor of my bedroom when Jay walked in at five that evening, looking all tan and freshly washed as he stepped through the door with a smile, then a second later an amused yet concerned look plastered on his face. Guess he was finished with hockey and had cleaned himself up a bit, must have been a really rough session though, because I don't think I've ever seen Jay this clean, even when he didn't have hockey.

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