Sleepless Part 6

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We were standing next to the punch bowl. Okay, I was standing next to the punch bowl. On my own. Jay had decided that it would be okay for him to leave me for a moment to go to the loo, which of course I hadn’t disagreed with; I mean you can’t stop nature. But there he was, ten minutes later, chatting up a bunch of girls. I don’t know what he saw in them though, apart from maybe the fact they were dressed as half naked cave girls.... yeah.

So anyway, I was feeling seriously alienated, which didn’t bother me too much, after all curious outsiders weren’t the main of my concerns at the moment. However it would’ve been nice if I’d had someone to talk to. Like Craig, he was great at talking. Bad at dancing, but still. I stood, slowly sipping from my punch glass as not to get drunk and pondering other various lists, when I felt a hand on my back. Jumping out of my skin and almost throwing my drink across the room, I spun round to see Jess eyeing my expression wearily.

“You, idiot! You scared the living daylight out of me!” I hissed, taking in his suit, he didn’t look too bad actually, I don’t have a clue who he was supposed to be though. He was wearing plain black trousers, and a white linen shirt, a black waistcoat, and some kind of thin cotton scarf thing tied around the collar of the shirt. His hair, well.... I really like it, to say the least. It was doing a bed head thing but had a white streak through it that I hadn’t seen before. He wore eyeliner around his eyes and was giving me an expectant glare.

“Who are you supposed to be? Frankenstein’s wife?” his face dropped, a hand reaching up to his streak of white. He registered what looked like mock agitation but then smirked.

“I’m Sweeny Todd.”

“Sweeny who?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. Wouldn’t it have been easier if he’d have come as a vampire or WareWolf and mocked the night life like everyone else, instead of confusing me with a costume that looks surprisingly attractive on him. He looked at me as though he couldn’t believe I hadn’t heard of Sweeny what-His-Face.

“Sweeny Todd. Demon barber? You know, thought he lost his wife, and went mad with revenge?” He acted out pretending to shave his face, and then drew a line across his neck were there was a fake line of blood. His hands fell to his sides when I registered no recognition and he let out a sigh. “It’s a movie.... But you make a very realistic witch.”

My eyes bulged slightly, and I think I stopped breathing for a few seconds too many, I hadn’t expected anyone to realise I was a witch. They all thought witches wore those stupid hats, and rode broomsticks, had giant ugly noses and ratty hair, which with all respect, I was the exact opposite of. He looked at me patiently, waiting for an answer.

“I uh... yeah I guess.” I tried to laugh it off and change the subject, I mean it was Halloween after all, he didn’t know I was actually a witch did he?

“Come on.” He said nonchalantly, taking my arm and leading me to the dance floor. Did he ever look happy?

“I uhh I can’t really dance Jess...” I protested, glancing wearily around at the other kids in the room. I was starting to get the feeling most of the girls in this school would think I’m a slut, because they were standing in a large cluster with gaping angry faces as I danced with the other hottest guy in the school. I only say this because of all the guys I’ve seen so far, non hold a candle to those two. It might have been the costumes but I still didn’t exactly mind either way. We got to the far side of the dance floor, near the walls, or windows as it were, where it was darker and quieter, and a soft tune played that I recognised fondly.

“I love this one! Leave out all the rest.” I said gently. Jess smiled both knowingly and approvingly, and placed his hands on my waist as we swayed at a steady paced. I put my arms around the back of his neck awkwardly, gazing up at his face. His orange eyes danced a little in the glow from the stage lights as the first words of the song played. I got the feeling that I had forgotten something, or maybe it was just that I couldn’t draw away from his eyes, but something was tickling me at the back of my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2012 ⏰

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