House of Memories - Stefan imagine

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"If you're a lover, you should know
The lonely moments just get lonelier
The longer you're in love
Than if you were alone
Memories turn into daydreams
Become a taboo"

Y/N sat at her window as she stared dreamily at the dark, starry sky. All that was on her mind was HIM. All the  words he ever said to her playing over and over again in her mind, as if on eternal repeat.

The words pulling on her heart strings, bringing her deeper into the dark abyss of sadness.

She was lonely now, without him.

"I'm sorry" Stefan spoke randomly, causing his lab partner to stare up at him curiously, raising and eyebrow. "About what?" Y/n asked slowly, studying his facial expression.

'How haven't I noticed how beautiful he really is before?' You asked yourself mentally. It took you a few moments to regain yourself, realizing just after as a small smile tugged up the corners of his lips. Y/n had been staring, and had missed everything he had said.

Y/n cleared her throat, averting her gaze to her shoes as if they were the most interesting thing in the world, "can you repeat that?"

Stefan nodded, again explaining how he had seemed to have fallen for you –or at least, you thought that was what he said, causing you to do a double take. "You like me?"

Y/n sighed, running a hand through her hair, not noticing the year that left her eyes. "Stefan" she whispered to herself, absently. She missed him.

Everyone in town seemed to miss him, but they'd never truly understand her depression/sadness. They hadn't loved him like she had.

Y/n stepped back onto her rug from the window cell, going to visit him again. To kind of confront him, even though she knew it wouldn't do anything.

He was never coming back to her.

"I don't want to be afraid
The deeper that I go
It takes my breath away
Soft hearts electric souls
Heart to heart and eyes to eyes
Is this taboo?"

Stefan lightly rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand, "I want to show you something" he said hesitantly, as if struggling to decide if he really wanted to show Y/n. But he loved her, and he didn't want to keep this secret from her any longer, if he waited any longer it would probably end up biting him in the ass –another vampire, his brother for example, could swoop in an kill or turn her and he's hate himself for not admitting his secret. He was a vampire.

Y/n looked at him with absolute admiration, "what is it, I hope you know that you can be comfortable with telling me anything" she gave him a small smile, not having any idea what he was going to do.

Stefan slowly nodded as he bowed his head for a few moments, only to lift it back up with small black veins leading to his now blood red eyes. Not to mention the sharp fangs protruding over his bottom lip.

He worried her reaction, would she think he was a monster? A blood sucking parasite?

He listened closely to her heart beat, it only skipped once.

Y/n was beyond surprised, but not scare or terrified like any normal person would be. She loved him for him, and if who he really is is being a vampire, then so be it.

Y/n smiled brightly as she reached out to lightly trace the little black bangs, trailing her fingers down to his fangs. "Wow" was all she could muster.

Y/n had written a note for Stefan, she had wanted to give it to him before he had left –but hadn't the chance.

It was –by all means– nothing bad, it was actually a poem she had written, she had been happy with it at first. But now, it just saddened her more, which is why she was finally going to give it to him.

"Baby we built this house
On memories
Take my picture now
Shake it til you see it
And when your fantasies
Become your legacy
Promise me a place
In your house of memories"

"Why don't you sing for me more often?" Stefan asked as he suddenly arrived in her bedroom doorway, causing her to jump from surprise.

Y/n scoffed, shaking her head, hating when he did that. "I'm horrible at singing" she stated, shrugging, not helping the small smile that crossed her lips.

Stefan shook his head, "I've been alive for quiet awhile, and your the best I've ever heard. The mist beautiful voice," he stated a he strides over to her, cupping her cheeks in his hands as he leaned down to leave a light kiss on her lips.

Y/n sighed, pulling away, "fine, I'll sing you one song, Salvatore" she teased, before she started.

"I think of you from time to time
More than I thought I would
You were just too kind
And I was too young to know
That's all that really matters
I was a fool

Baby we built this house
On memories
Take my picture now
Shake it til you see it
And when your fantasies
Become your legacy
Promise me a place
In your house of memories"

Y/n laid the little piece of paper down as she sat in the ground, the crisp cold air tickling her nose. She sneezed lightly, sighing as she started speaking. Not able to stop once she started.

She told him all of her problems she had been having since he left, the sadness, the insecurity, the barely leaving her house. And she hoped he was listening, because, if the roles were reversed shed listen to every single word that would leave his beautiful mouth, no matter where she was.

Newly formed tears sprawled down her face like a waterfall, she knew what he would say. He'd say it was ok, because even though he didn't like seeing her sad, she was still beautiful.

He was her true love and always would be.

She was his last love and always would be.

"Those thoughts of
Past lovers
They'll always haunt me
I wish I
Could believe
You'd never wrong me
Then will you
Me in the same way
As I remember you

Baby we built this house
On memories
Take my picture now
Shake it til you see it
And when your fantasies
Become your legacy
Promise me a place"

Y/n sobbed as she wrapped her arms around the cold of the tombstone that had Stefan's name engraved on it.

And for a strange, quick moment, she thought she could feel his arms again, wrapping around her, comforting her. But she knew, oh she knew, that even though he was a vampire, he wasn't coming back to life this last time.

"Baby we built this house
On memories
Take my picture now
Shake it til you see it
And when your fantasies
Become your legacy
Promise me a place
In your house of memories
In your house of memories
Promise me a place"

Y/n hoped one day to be reconnected with him one day, no matter where it happens to be, they'll still be in love. And that's all that matters to her.

But now, all she has is her fantasies, and hopes that he's saving her a place in his house of memories.

But now, all she has is her fantasies, and hopes that he's saving her a place in his house of memories

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[ a/n: this wasn't requested, it was my personal idea. And also, I don't own the song or Panic! At The Disco. An if you didn't notice;

Bold = lyrics
Italics = memories]

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