Sleeping beauty: Liam imagine

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((Fyi, this is my first imagine, sorry if is horrible))

I hurriedly put my costume on. I had surprisingly got one of the leads in the school play, Sleeping Beauty.

At first I had only tried out for the part because my friends say that I'm a great actor, but while I was practicing my lines I had actually wanted to try for the part. and I'm so glad I did!

I can't believe I'm sleeping beauty!

I read over my lines one more time. I stopped once I got to the part where the prince kisses the princess and wakes her up from her deep sleep.

I had a prince, he was the guy I had been crushing on ever since he came to Beacon Hills High.

I have a crush on Liam Dunbar.

I never really talked to him other then in the play since we were in two different social groups. well actually, I wasn't really social but he was extremely popular. him being on the lacrosse team, not to mention being one of the best players and all.

We hadn't actually practiced the kissing part, the teacher that was 'directing' the play said and I quote "save the magic of the kiss until show time!", Which was tonight.

I had never actually had my first kiss before, but I guess I'm glad it's with Liam. even though he probably doesn't feel the same way about me.

I took a deep breath and walked onto the stage. I was going to put my heart and soul into this part.


I had made it through the whole play except for the kissing seen, which was now. I lay silent on the table in the middle of the stage, I don't show it but Im really nervous and excited.

"I will now awake my princess with a true loves kiss" Liam said as he leaned down and lightly connected his lips with mine.

after a couple seconds he pulled away, and I slowly sat up. "thank you my dear prince" I said as I slowly got if the table.

I can't believe I actually kissed him! Well technically he kissed me. and even though it was just for the play it was still amazing!

The play was over now and everyone had taken a bow and headed off the stage.

As I headed back stage Liam stopped me by lightly putting his hand on my shoulder. I turned around and smiled at him, "you were great out there!" I told him. "not as good as you." he said, smiling.

He looked down at the floor for a second, nervously scratching the back if his neck. "uhm, (Y/N) can I ask you something?" He asked, not making eye contact with me.

I nodded and smiled, "of course, what is it Liam?" I asked.

"Well I was wondering if maybe you would... I mean if we could..." he stuttered slightly.

I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing for a couple seconds. I could feel my heartbeat quicken to an immense speed. I think Liam was going to ask me out! It was so hard for me not to jump up and down, but I didn't because I didn't want to jump to conclusions.

He sighed, seeming like he had finally got his words straight in his head. he finally made eye contact with me as he slowly asked, "would you like to go out with me sometime? I mean I get it if you don't..."

This time I couldn't hold back my excitement, I squealed, "oh my gosh, Liam I would love to go out with you!"

The smile that spread across his face gleamed brightly. "Great, I can't wait!" He said. "so I guess you really are my sleeping beauty"

"And your my prince"

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