Ashton's Place

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( Dont play the song yet, just not yet, play it when it says to . )

Cherish's POV

As I was walking around town to find ashton, i couldn't see him anywhere. I would always wonder where he would be heading out to , because last weekend, were at a party, Me, Calum, Michael, and Ashton . ( Luke was at Hollywood for his photoshoot.) He checked his phone, his eyes turned really red, I tried to stop him from going out the door, but I was too late. He rushed out the door, turned on his car, and just drove off like somebody was going to kill him or something. So after he left, I texted ashton if he was ok, but he didn't reply. I wouldnt really worry for him because he would always come back home, but the boys on the other hand was worried and they were walking back and forth thinking where the hell he would be, and once he would come home, they would rush up to him and just kill him with hugs. I miss the Ashton that would always make us pancakes, and would always take us all over the island. That's the Ashton that I missed. I haven't told the crew that i will be leaving , and i wont be here anymore. I can't tell them now because obviously someone is gone, and that is hurting the shit out of people. Anyways, as I was walking around town, I finally found him, but he looked beatened up, and he was crying. SO i went up to him and I asked him whats wrong, his eyes just glistened up , got big, then he gave me a big fat hug, he was sobbing, and I could't understand why though, was he cheating? Was he hurt? Was he hurting himself? WWHHAATT ? " Ashton are you ok!?" I yelled while pulling back, he just took me to his place and apparently, he told me everything. I couldn't believe it. I really couldn't believe what he was telling me, i was sobbing, and i was mad, who in the fucking world would do this to Ashton  Fucking Irwin ?  He told me to calm down but how the hell am I supposed to calm down in a situation like this ? At this point though,  Ash just needed my help, and the only thing I could do is help him.
Ashton's POV
How could Cherish find me ? I didn't Even know that she actually cared for me . She would always make trouble , and she would just find some way to hurt me . Maybe it's because I'm karlees boyfriend , and she just wants to protect her ? " cherish , I'm sorry that I haven't told you anything . I'm really sorry . I just couldn't because he would Coke after you guys , and I didn't want that to happen , so I took myself in , and let myself get hurt . Past three or four months , but it's okay . " I whispered the last part , then streams of tears starting rolling down my cheek . " no , it's not okay . " she said lifting my chin up . " you have to tell them what's going on or you're going to get even more hurt Ash .  Try . Atleast try for me . " i can't tell them , atleast not yet . " not yet " I whispered . " not yet " . " okay " she replied then gave me a hug . " but why didn't you tell me anything sooner ? " she asked in concern . " because I'm invisible . Everyone just has their moments . They don't worry about me , they don't need to . I'm just invisible . "
{ Play the Song , and make like Ashton's singing , when you're finished , continue on reading . }

Cherish's eyes were covered in water , and her cheeks were drowning with tears , she kept crying over and over again . " yo' I didn't mean to make you cry-" she hugged me again , and sobbed into my shirt . " you're not invisible ash . You're not invisible . You're just gone all the time . " she whispered .

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