Chapter 9

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*Niall's P.O.V*
I'm walking around my dorm room BEGGING that I had a decent looking outfit. I refused to wear my normal clothes on a date, especially one with Erin. I have nearly dug through my entire closet before I realize I have nothing to wear. "Shit" I mumble under my breath. I call Zayn. he has always been the most fashionable of the five of us so I knew he would have a suit I could borrow for the night.
He picks up and I'm close to screaming.
"Uh hey mate. What's up?"
"Please please please tell me you have a suit or something date worthy!"
"Who do you think I am? Of course I do! Ooh, your date's tonight. How ya feeling lad?"
"Uh, nervous. Really nervous. I can't read her like I can other girls. I don't know if she's even excited man! I can't tell if she even likes me more than a friend!"
"Well you two were looking pretty cozy last night... I wouldn't doubt it if she did."
"Zayn you don't get it. I like her. I don't know what it is about her but I can't get enough of her! I know I've dated a lot of girls but never have I felt any connection to them like I do with Erin."
"Then why are you freaking out!? Go eat her and don't be a puss!"
"Shut up Zayn. Like you didn't take two years to ask Liam out... Now do you have the suit or not!?"
"Ugh yeah yeah. Come over."
"Thank you so much Zayn!!"
I tap the end call button and I run out of my room. I don't remember ever running this fast since football training. By the time I reach Zayn's I am out of breath. I push myself up the stairs and walk in.
Zayn walks in looking beautiful as always. How does he always manage to look good without trying. I've always hated Zayn for that.
"Niall! Dude! what the hell happened? WHY ARE YOU SWEATY EW!"
"Uh... I ran here?"
"No god. You idiot you're going on a date and I am NOT putting you in my clothes. Go shower stupid."
Zayn gives me the look of death and I trudge to his tiny shower. What the hell was I doing? I met her a week ago... I was acting like a girl, freaking out over what to wear and how I look. To be honest I felt like throwing up I was so disgusted with myself. I have had girlfriends but they liked me for my looks. There was no passion, no feelings involved. It's was all to boost their reputations. With Erin it was different. She didn't seem to know who I was. I liked that. I could tell her things about myself that only Zayn and the others knew. If she even liked me, she liked me for me. I strip down and get in Zayn's shower. Immediately the first thing I see is fucking PANTENE SHAMPOO. DAMN IT ZAYN... I was not using that. I just let the water run over me for a couple minutes and then I get out, wrapping a towel around my waist. "Zayn! Bring me the damn suit!"
"No need need t be rude mate!"
Oh. My. God. "Zayn sweetheart could you please bring me my outfit?"
"Coming dear!"
I was literally about to walk out and go on this date wearing a towel. Zayn knew just how impatient I was and knew exactly what buttons to push. Zayn walks in with a black suit and gold tie. sweet. I shove him out and put the whole ensemble on. I looked good. I have never been so happy to know Zayn.
"Oh Zayn, one more thing."
"Can I borrow yore car?" I ask with a grin on my face.
"Niall... I'm not giving you my car just take the bus."
"Ew no way. Come on! I'll bring it back! what do ya think i'm gonna do wreck it?"
"Honestly yeah. You don't have a car for a reason. You totaled it!"
"No no no it wasn't my fault though! Where are your keys?"
"Niall no..."
"UH it's Nicholas sparks thank you and fine. The Lucky One. Keys are in the drawer next to the fridge."
"HELL YEAH. Thanks bro."
I promised him I'd pay him back somehow and I rush out the door with the keys. I hurry down the flight of stairs and I jog to his car. It's a pretty sweet car I will admit. Zayn came from a rich family. And by rich I mean RICH. He has a brand new jet black Audi R8. By far the best ride on campus. I unlock it and hop in. I felt like it was Christmas. Zayn was actually letting me drive this. I was beyond happy. I actually forgot my nerves for a bit. The leather seats, the speaker system, everything about this car was every man's dream. Or at least mine. I start the car and back out, remembering where I was going. The nerves came back and a tries to pep talk myself through the night. I put the car in drive and head to the restaurant. 'Ok,' I thought I myself. 'You'll get there and wait for Erin, you'll check in and take her to the seats. You'll talk, nothing you haven't done before. You'll order, and you'll eat. No big deal.' I liked Erin. I really did. She was smart, real, gorgeous! And she wasn't all about parties like a lot of college girls. Now, I love myself a good Greek Row party, don't get me wrong. I just liked the change. I finally exit campus and drive the rest of the way there. I turned on the radio and blasted some tunes to clear my head. I see Ric's up ahead and I keep telling myself it will be fun. 'She can't hate you or she wouldn't be going tonight. That's a good thing, right?' I think. I park Zayn's beauty and I walk inside. I go up to the check in desk and I give them my name.
"Eh, Niall Horan. Reservation for two?"
"Ok..." She typed in whatever she was typing in. "You're all good sir. Go ahead and seat yourself when you're ready."
"Thank you."
I walk back outside to wait for her when I hear someone call my name. Was she here already? my heart was racing. I look over and see a blonde girl. Where had I seen her before?
"Oh hey Niall. I didn't expect to see you here!"
"Uh... hey?"
"Oh don't you know me? I was at that WICKED party a couple weeks ago. Erin's friend? I'm Amy." she said, winking at me.
"Uh yeah sure. Hi Amy. Am I in your way or?"
"Oh no you're just fine. You know, I was actually hoping I'd find you here. You probably heard that Erin moved out yeah? probably said it was out fault yeah? Well, she played a part too. She was talking to us and totally just said she was going to dump you. You care too much about your image and she just isn't into guys like that."
"Oh okay. Look, I know Erin and she never would say that about anyone."
"Oh you KNOW HER? Oh I'm sorry. Have you been her best friend since third grade?" She asks.
"Some best friend you are. Even if this is true, why would you go behind her back telling me this?"
"Because Niall, I don't just let people sit around getting used if I can help it. I'm not a terrible person!"
"I'd beg to differ..." I muttered under my breath.
"Oh what was that? hmm, you know I just though you would have wanted to know if you we're being used but obviously you're too busy so I'll just go."
"Great! Sounds fabulous! see ya around!"
"No, actually I'll stay." She said with a smirk on her face. "I just hope you know that there are people out there that would NEVER use such a good guy like yourself." She stepped closer to me. I stepped back.
"Hey, I don't bite. Hard." She winked. What on Earth was she on about? Before I could protest, she stepped forward and planted her lips on mine, grabbing on to my shirt. I heard a squeak from behind me and I push Amy off. I turned around only to see Erin standing behind me, tears in her eyes.
"Niall... Amy... I" Erin choked.
"Shit, God damn it Any get out of here!" I yell. Amy walks away with that same stupid smirk on her face.
"Erin I swear, she kissed me."
"Oh yeah? Well you didn't seem to mind so," she was almost in tears. I couldn't stand to look at her like this. I begged Erin to understand, but I knew we weren't going anywhere in this date tonight. "I'll just let you go back to her. She obviously has so much more to offer than I do."
"ERIN! You said so yourself that Amy wasn't a real friend! I promise you, I swear on my mothers life that I did not kiss Amy."
"Just because Amy was in a bad mood one day doesn't mean that she would try to sabotage tonight! We HAVE been friends since third grade I'm pretty sure I know her well enough."
"Well, obviously you don't." Why couldn't she see that! Amy is obviously not who Erin thought she was. why couldn't she just see it!
"Ok... yeah. I'm just going to go now."
"No, Erin please. Just let me explain."
"Yeah I think you explained yourself pretty damn well." And then she was gone. Anything we had was ruined. She looked beautiful. Her gold belt highlighted the hints of blond in her reddish brown hair. Her dress fit her perfectly, not revealing too much, but enough so that she looked amazing. And her eyes. Her bright blue eyes. And now all of it was gone. I yelled and kicked over the trash bin near me, slammed Zayn's car door shut and sped out of the parking lot. If Amy wanted to play dirty then fine. I'd play dirty right back. I saw Erin ahead of me and I couldn't help but feel the giant pit in my stomach. I had just lost the best girl I'd ever met.

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