Chapter 24

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I wake up in Niall's tight grip, with Carmen off to my right. I look at my phone and slip out from under Niall's arm. I quietly walk over to my dresser and pull out a towel and head to the showers. I undress and step behind a curtain. I turn on the water and let the warm shower flow down my hair, back, legs, and body. I feel a pair or calloused fingers grab me and I scream, only to find a naked Niall in my shower.

"Niall! What are you doing!?"

"Oh come on. It's nothing you haven't seen before." He says with a wink. He helps me wash my body, and we do a little more than I originally planned. I realize how long I've been 'showering' and rush out. Niall follows me laughing, towel around his waist.

"What are you so embarrassed about!? It's nothing we haven't done before, or have you already forgotten two nights ago?"

"No! I haven't forgotten... but I would rather not be known as the good girl turned bad after one night!" I hiss back at him.

"Well, you know what they say... good girls are just bad girls that haven't been caught."

"I can truly say that that is not always the case. I'm not a 'bad girl' and I have no intention of being 'caught'."

"I'm just teasin' ya! calm down."

"Niall. We just had sex in a PUBLIC shower! And I'm sure more than just us knows. I knew you were a singer but I've never heard those vocals leave your mouth before..."

"It's ok. No one's going to see you as a slut or a whore or whatever ok! It is FINE!"


We walk back into my room and I get dressed and he puts his clothes from yesterday back on, seeing he didn't bring another pair.

"As lovely as this morning was, I should go. Get clothes on, what not. Meet me for lunch?"

"Yeah sure."

We kiss goodbye and I drag out my laptop. I check my email, send a down payment for our New York apartment in, and check my various social media sites. Ny phone buzzes and I'm slightly nervous when I see a text from Amy. I haven't heard from or seen her in months.

'Can we talk? Maybe over lunch? Nic will be there too. - Amy'

I know I was supposed to meet Niall, but I was a little curious about why Amy of all people would want to talk to me. Was she threatening to steal Niall again after I leave for New York. I hadn't thought about what would happen with them after I go. Would they try to go after him? Niall wouldn't.. No he wouldn't let them.

'Hey babe. Amy just texted me n she wants 2 talk over lunch and I kinda want 2 hear what she has 2 say. Raincheck? x'

'Fine :( now who am I gonna tell my jokes to? :*'

'Thank you. I promise I'll make it up 2 u <3 love you'

'Love you too.'

I text Amy back,

'Sure... Where at?'

'North dining hall? I'm already up here with Nic.'

'Ok, I'll be there in 10.'

I walk up to the dining hall hesitantly. I thought we decided to be done. What could she want? I walk in a few minutes later and see them standing in line.

"Hey." I greet them.

"Hey." they both say at the same time, still like twins.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask.

"Let's just get our food first and sit down." Amy suggests.

We grab our various lunch items; me, a cold cut sandwich, Nic, a personal pizza, and Amy, a salad. We find a booth and the two sit across from me.

"So, we just wanted to say-" Amy starts.

"That we miss you. A lot." Nic finishes.

"And we are sorry for everything. Truly sorry. Especially me." Amy, surprisingly, sounds sincere.

"We never should have plotted against you and Niall and I have just felt so guilty and I'm sorry and we were best friends and I just want that bac-" Nic starts to hyperventilate and ramble.

"NIC. She gets it. Slow down and breathe." Amy nudges her.

"I'm sorry. I just feel so bad. You were so good to us Erin. You always went along with our stupid plans, and made us feel good, and you never did one mean thing to either of us. You didn't deserve what we did. We were jealous that we didn't get the popular guy."

"Yeah. And it was my idea that night at Ric's. I hoped that if you saw him kiss me, you would give up on him. But you guys are meant to be. You're soulmates, and I wish I could have seen that before."

"Thanks guys," I respond. "That means a lot. But if you're trying to become my best friend again, I just don't know if I'm ready for that yet. What you did hurt, and I appreciate the apology, but it doesn't change anything. Plus, I'm moving to New York in a couple of months anyway."

"We know. And we know we will probably never be like we used to ever again. We just wanted to officially say goodbye and good luck at Julliard." Nic says with a small smile.

"And we didn't want to leave on bad terms. We wanted to clear the air and at least leave each other as civil acquaintances."

"I think I can do that." I smile.

We get up and pull ourselves into our last group hug. I admit I really miss these. I miss us. Our memories of elementary, middle, and high school. Walking the halls arm in arm as best friends. We were unstoppable. The two popular girls and the nerd teamed up to form one of the closest friendships I had ever seen in movies or real life. And all of it was coming to an end.

"You know, This year doesn't change the past. We will always be those 3 best friends that grew up together. At least will will be in our memories. I would love to work things out and try again, but with me moving, it just doesn't seem like a good idea. I really am sorry. But I am glad we can at least leave without being enemies."

"I am too." they say simultaneously.

We pull into one more hug before we go our separate ways forever. That was the last time I would ever see those girls, and honestly, it felt ok. It felt natural. I walked out the door into my new life. I was leaving in 2 1/2 months for New York for the last two years of college, and I was ready. Ready to leave my old life behind and start a new future for myself. For me and Niall. I was ready for anything that came my way... except for the phone call I just got.

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