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Carmen, Nic, Amy, Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Harry are all surrounding me. The boys prepare me mentally while my three girls do my hair and makeup. The boys have been roaming in and out, making their rounds between me and Niall.


It's been nearly two years since he proposed and finally the day has come.

My heart nearly drops to my butt when I hear the two words:

"It's Time". Nic smiles at me.

I hear the bells play.

It's time.

I stand up, say goodbye to the others as they leave for the altar, and greet my father in the doorway. His eyes were forming tears and this was the first time I have ever seen him cry.

"You look beautiful sweetheart." He says.

"Thanks daddy" I hug him and he begins the walk to the aisle. Down this carpet, my future husband and my best friends were waiting for me. My custom made dress fit snugly on my torso while it flowed out from the hips. My hair was in a tight updo and I have never felt like more of a princess. I have never been one to dream of the perfect wedding, but if I were, this would be it.

My father begins to walk me down the aisle. It wasn't a big ceremony, just our families and close friends. I see Niall for the first time today, and I couldn't help but cry. I lock eyes with him and this unknown wave of emotion surges through my body. I see his expression of pure shock and I know he feels the same. The walkway lined with flowers from my beautiful sister Angel, little Jacob, the ring bearer up front by her side. It was perfect.

I finally make my way up to the front, turn to face Niall, and he takes my hands into his, never breaking eye contact.

"You... I'm speechless. You're beautiful. More beautiful than I ever could have imagined. How did I get so lucky?"

I blush and smile.

"Alright, how about we get started you two." The officiant offers.

"Welcome, family, friends and loved ones. We gather here today to celebrate the wedding of Niall and Erin. You have come here to share in this formal commitment they make to one another, to offer your love and support to this union, and to allow Erin and Niall to start their married life together surrounded by the people dearest and most important to them..."

He continues on his speech but I'm too focused on Niall to even focus. He looked perfect. Beyond perfect. His tux was perfect, his slightly quiffed hair was perfect. He was perfect.

We recite our vows.

"Niall. I promise to love you unconditionally for the rest of time. To guide you through any obstacle, to hold you during your darkest times, and to always, always support you through any endeavor you choose....."

"Erin. I promise to be your prince. To love you until time runs out and even after that. I vow to care for you in sickness and in health, to love you with all of my being and to be your best friend, your support, and your loving husband......."

And finally, finally the moment arrives.

"Do you, Erin, take Niall to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do" I say through my tears.

"And do you, Niall, take Erin, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"Of course I do."

"Are there any objections to the pairing of these two? speak now or forever hold your peace... well then, it is my honor to say By the power of your love and commitment, and the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! Niall, you may kiss your bride. "

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