Chapter 1: Background Check

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Annika's POV

I am currently sitting in the greenest and softest grass and five steps from where I am sitting are beautiful vibrant sun flowers, it comes in different sizes but whether it may be big or small it is still a sight to hold, it is like this garden is my fairytale, my secret place, my hideout where in the walls are protecting me from every problem that I am facing and will face in the future, even the pebbles that are decorating the garden is so beautifu-

"Annika dear, wake up. Its time for school."

My dream stopped the moment Rosa spoke. She is my nanny, she has been taking care of me since the day I was born. But Rosa is more than just a nanny for me, she is like my second mother, my confidant about everything.

I sighed before stretching out my muscles, trying to wake them up from their somber. I opened my eyes and immediately see Rosa preparing my uniform for school. She smiled at me before greeting me a good morning and asking,

"Good sleep?"

"Good morning, Rosa. Yep, good sleep until you woke me up."

I heard her chuckle while sitting down on my bed, Rosa knows how much I love sleeping and how much I hate waking up early especially for school. I stood up and checked my phone on the bedside table, no text from anyone which is normal for my life and then checked on the time, it reads 6:15am. Just enough time for me to have my usual morning routine.

Rosa handed me my towel and I headed to the bathroom. Brushing my teeth doesn't cost me much time but taking a bath does. I like thinking about everything whenever I am under my shower while water is pouring over me, it is as if it soothes every muscle in my body, sometimes I would even sing and dance in my shower time, after all its one of my alone time.

Rosa always sets up my uniform in my walk-in closet, after putting it on I moved to my vanity mirror, putting a little bit of make-up. I always go for the natural look which consists of powder, mascara and lip tint. I combed my hair and let it dry off. I am actually blessed to have my natural curls fall behind my back. I checked my overall appearance in my whole body mirror, satisfied with my look, I grabbed my backpack and checked the time on my phone, it reads 7:10am. I have 20mins to have my quick breakfast.

Strolling down the stairs, our staff would greet me and I would greet them back. Our house is quite big for our family since I am an only child. There are two guestrooms, my room and a master's bedroom, a den which is like a family room to us, a game room, a theatre room, and a mini library that is just for me, a dirty and clean kitchen, don't even ask me the difference because I don't know, a receiving area and of course my favorite part, the dining area which is also where I am headed.

Rosa smiled sweetly at me as she saw me entering the room before asking,

"Cereals and milk?"

I took my seat and nodded, she knows this is my favorite breakfast. I could eat cereals all day. While eating, Rosa and I would always chitchat, this morning I asked Rosa about her nephews because her nephews are adorable and really funny, she would always tell me a hilarious moment her two nephews had and it would always crack me up.

Something vibrated in Rosa's hand and we both know that it is time for me to leave for school. I always leave at 7:30am because school starts at 8am.

As I stepped into our front porch I instantly spotted my driver, Joseph but I call him Jo, waiting for me in our drive way. Jo greeted me good morning before opening the door for me, I greeted him back before sliding to my seat.

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