Chapter 2: Mission

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Gian's POV

The car screeched loudly, I covered my ears and closed my eyes. I was so scared. Dad is the one driving he is drunk but he insisted to drive, I was crying, I didn't know what was happening all I know is that the 8-wheeler truck's headlights is blinding me, I wanted to scream but I felt so tired from crying, I was in a helpless situation, I tried to wait for someone who can notice the accident that my dad got us into but sleep is taking over me, but I keep fighting until I hear a siren and that's when I let sleep took over.

I woke up with sweat on my forehead. That nightmare, after ten years, It keeps on coming back. I sat and tried to calm my breathing, I reached the water that is on my bedside table and took a long gulp. I checked the time, it reads 4:18am. I tried to sleep again but my mind keeps on wandering.

I miss Clara, my mom, she died when I was 8 years old. All the memory I had from her were definitely treasurable. She was an amazing mom, never lets me get out of her sight, she would always be there for me, even when I am studying. I have been homeschooled for al l of my life. She was a stage mom. She loved me so much, but she's gone.

Gone. And it's because of my stupid dad. We attended our company party that night, dad had too much to drink but he still insisted on driving us home, no one bothered to stop him since he is the king of the kingdom, the big boss of many people and everyone is scared of him, nobody wants to be on his bad side because my dad gets whatever it is that he wants. But not me, I am not scared of him.

He was never a father to me, even when mom was alive, he's always so busy with work, he never had the time to play with me or put me to sleep.

I hated him even more when mom died, I thought he was going to be there for me, grieve with me. But no, he had business meetings, I was actually shocked when he attended my mom's last day at the funeral, I never saw him cry. He was just there with a blank face and as I stare at him, I get angry even more and until today, I loathe him.

Days, weeks and months passed by, he still doesn't notice me. It was too much for me, for an eight-year old to face everything on his own, on my own, I started not going out of my room, I don't even want to see my homeschool teacher, I shut everyone down. I stopped studying that year and instead of dad talking to me, he sent me a psychologist, Dr. Chris, he started going over to my room, always talking to me, convincing me that I should get on with my life.

Soon enough, I realized that my shrink is actually right, that I should continue with my life, but not because I wanna be great, but because I wanna piss that one person who took my mom from me.

I started seeing my homeschool teacher again but I was a year behind already, my teacher wanted me to excel so that I can accelerate and be back on my grade level where I should be but I had other plans. I started flunking to keep my level behind, when the news got to dad he got so mad at me, and that was the first emotion that I saw from my dad, to be honest I like seeing my dad angry.

Since that day, different pranks were made in my house every day, a lot of maids, gardener and security guards quit their job and whenever the news would reach my dad it would always made him mad and that was the only thing keeping me alive.

When I reached 14, all the pranks that I tried to pull wouldn't get dad that mad because he got used to it and I got bored. So I went to his office and made a deal with him, telling him that I will stop all the pranks as long as he buys me my own car and teach me how to drive it, he agreed and I was ecstatic.

Once learning how to drive, I would always sneak out of the house and drive my own car around town. One night before going out of my room I heard a woman's voice inside my dad's room, I stopped for a moment and listen to them,

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