⭐Chapter 2⭐

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Theo's P.O.V.👕


Theo paced the floor over and over. It was all he could not to break down and sob. His best friend had run away. His rock, the only one who actually cared, had run away and left them all. Why? Why? She had had a good life, amazing grades and friends... he couldn't comprehend why. Brushing those thoughts aside, he went back to agitatedly pace in his room. He tried her number, again, and heard, again, her happy voice, saying "Hello there! You've reached Anya's cell phone. If you are hearing this, I'm probably out on a daring adventure, so leave a message and I'll get back to you! Beep. Before he could compose himself, a sob escaped him, and he cried out "Anya where did you go! I miss you!" and cut the phone. Exasperatedly, he sat on his bed, and wiped away a lone tear that escaped his eye. A photo frame with a picture of the two of them caught his eye.

He remembered that day, they were so happy. She was smiling, an arm around his neck, their matching locket bracelets seeming even more beautiful. Hers was a star, his, a moon. Her auburn hair glinted in the sunshine, and he looked like the luckiest, happiest man on earth. And he was. It was as if seeing that photograph of them rekindled the hope inside him, of seeing Anya again, of maybe even telling her how he felt. He absentmindedly fondled the locket that never left his hand, a sign of their everlasting friendship They knew each other inside out, ever since she had joined the district school, eleven years ago. Now they were both seventeen, and Theo knew he was very much in love with her. He got to thinking. He knew that she would have had a very valid reason for doing what she did, and they trusted each other enough to tell each other everything. When they were twelve, they settled their future, childlike fashion, in which they would live in a fun house and go on adventures every day and have a golden retriever puppy, called Snuffie.

He smiled at the memories, but his face turned grim in a second, thinking that she was so happy, they were so happy, but why would she leave what she had, and just up and run? He was interrupted by the thought that they even had a secret hiding place where they exchanged secret messages, which seemed kind of childish now that he thought about it, and--- Wait! He thought. That's it!! Our cubby! Just as he was about to rush outside, the door opened, revealing the sympathetic face of his mother. "How're you doing, sweetie?" she asked, letting herself in. "Oh, about as well as one could be doing under the circumstances," he smiled weakly. "Anya's mother came by. Poor thing, would not stop bawling her eyes out about the child. Anyway, she told me to give you this," she handed an open envelope to him. "Mrs. Robertson said Anya left this before she ran. I'll give you some time, okay?" and his mother turned to leave, shutting the door behind her.

okay some developments hath occurred....

so this is Theo, and if you want a visual representation, TROYE SIVAN. need i say more?

okay so i hope you liked it so far, and ill update tomorrow, most likely.

okay you knows the drill...





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