⭐Chapter 5⭐

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Anya's P.O.V.🎤 

Anya had been walking for a bit now, and she finally reached the next town, one stop of many along the way. Eventually she got tired, and her phone battery was failing. A lot of people tried calling her, and conveniently, her father wasn't one of them. Must be hungover after the many drinks he has almost every night. She brushed those thoughts aside and brightened up when she saw a Starbucks café, because she was really hungry.

She entered, and the cheerful atmosphere gripped her. A song by the Beatles was playing, and the buzz of happy chats filled the air. Oh, and the aroma of coffee. Coffeeeee. She made a beeline for the counter, after searching for a seat with a plug point relatively close to it. Having found it, she smiled at the barista, who seemed to be a young teenager just like her. "hello there! Welcome to Starbucks! What'll you have today?" the barista asked her. "hi! Uh, I'll get a medium caramel latte, and a smoked chicken sandwich, please. Oh, and could you add a little extra whipped cream to the drink?" "sure, ma'am. Name?" the barista answered, tapping away at the register computer, swaying to the next song that played, "Photograph", by Ed Sheeran. "Anya." She paused, when the barista didn't respond. "Ed Sheeran is just magical, isn't he?" asked Anya, smiling at how the barista got lost in the music, just as she did. "I'm sorry, what? I just love my music a bit much. Oh yeah, I love how he changes the merest of words into art, you know? So, Anya, eh?" the barista smiled, and Anya finally saw her name tag, which simply said 'Beverly D.' and a smiley face. Looking behind her, she saw there wasn't any line behind her, she ventured to talk to the barista further, she seemed like a nice girl.

"so... Beverly, you like music, huh?" Beverly smiled, hearing her name, and answered "absolutely, yes. Music and books, my sole comfort. You?" "me too! As a matter of fact, I've written a few songs myself, and I hope to perform them soon. I'm actually on my way to a concert..." she shut her mouth quickly, resolving to tell the girl all about it later. She had a feeling she could trust her. "alright, that'll be 15 pounds, Anya. She internally cringed at the high price, but coffee and food? So worth it. She paid and Beverly said "thank you! I'll bring it over to your table, yeah? I really want to get to know you more. It's kind of rare to find a person so into music as I am" "BEVERLY! Quit chattin' and get to work, or else..." a gruff voice came from the place Anya presumed was the break room. "sorry sir, won't happen again." Beverly replied meekly.

Softly, she said "that's the manager. Right old gruff he can be. You best be off. I'll come with your order in a bit. HARRY! Take the till, will you? I've got the stove for the next 15 minutes" and Beverly walked off with a smile, and in her place came an older man, with a twinkle in his eye. She went and grabbed her seat which she chose while talking to Beverly, and whipped out her phone and its charger and plugged it in, with a sigh of satisfaction when it started charging. Just then, a voicemail came from an unknown number. Curious, she pressed PLAY. First message. "I'm coming for you, Anya. I will follow you to the ends of the earth, if I have to. You're not going to be rid of me that easily. Just remember, you are my best friend. I'm coming, Annie, I give you my word."

ahahaha im keeping with my schedule for now. lets see how long this lasts.

anyway, this is part 5, and i do not know how long this will go on for.

Beverly is played by emma watson. G O A L S <3

do you even like this story? comment and tell me, bcoz aside from a very sweet DM i got, NOTHING. so yeah. but anyway, i like it, and its public anyway, so meehhhh

oh and in the next chapter, there migghhhttt be something interesting for those of you who watch Joey Graceffa's videos, and if you're not one of them, BRUV WHYY

also, i admire the levels of chill in beyonce. just casual, dropping what could easily become the biggest album of the year, just like "here. have some LEMONADE"

OKA now im ranting, and i know almost everyone skips the author's  notes, meh





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