Chapter 3

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Last night was a blur with Keegan. I remember making him promise not to tell, crying, and just talking.

When I step off the school bus, I start walking to my first class. But today was a different day. It is my birthday. I am now 17! I felt a hand over my eyes. I turned around to see Keegan with a huge bouquet of red roses. There were so many I couldn't even count! I put my hands over my mouth in shock. And I look at Keegan, beaming proudly.

"Oh. My. Gosh!! Are.. Are those for me?!" I stuttered.

"Yes" He steps closer, "Every single one." He says kissing my nose. I beam at both the roses and Keegan. I take the roses and smell them.

"They are beautiful" I said looking at them. I see a card in the flowers.

'Here are some beautiful roses, for my beautiful girlfriend'

I can't stop smiling! This is so sweet! No body has ever gotten me flowers before! I give him a kiss and hurry to my first period.


The day flies by and before I know it, I'm in Keegan's car.

"Seriously where are we going?!" I asked giggling.

"You'll see!! And stop asking questions your gonna ruin it!" He chuckles.

As we approach a familiar building I scream, "YOUR TAKING ME TO GET FROZEN YOGERT?!?" I said with the biggest smile on my face. Keegan knows its my all time favorite.

When we walk in I Immediately walk over to the 'Strawberry' dispenser and pour a big bowl for me and Keegan to split (it's his favorite, and mine too!) I get chocolate chips on my side and he gets sprinkles on his. We both sat down and started eating.

"So how is the birthday queen" Emphasizing on the word 'queen'.

"Probably one of the best birthdays yet!" I said taking a bite of my ice cream.

The whole night we laughed and told jokes. My favorite part was when he had ice cream on the top of his lip and I kept laughing every time he talked. After about 5 minutes, he finally realized he had some on his lip and he said "Hey. You do too" he said laughing so hard he clutched his side.

"What?! I do not!" I said taking out a mirror. Sure enough I did. Right on the corner of my mouth. We both laughed so hard we practically fell out of our chairs.

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