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10:58 am

"today you came across my mind, and i thought, ah... we will still be good buddies in heaven."

taehyung was convinced that he had come back. he was sure. those handwriting was his. "that asshole, he only called me once! that was when he arrived his hometown, and boom! it's almost eight months, and he suddenly returns without any hints."

hanseul's legs became wobbly, a mysterious lump formed in her throat as if she was about to puke. she laid her eyes on the card again, all the nostalgic memories came chasing back to her.

"i think someone just left before us;
it was written in the register," saeyeon's mother mentioned, also wondering who would have visited, since her daughter had no other friends.

hanseul spun around and immediately rushed into the elevator, with the closing doors squeezing into her before letting her in. if indeed, he was here... she needed to see him. she wanted to know how was he doing. she begged the gods to give her a chance to satisfy the craving for his secure arms and warm hug, even just once.

luckily the lobby wasn't too crowded, which allowed her to quickly scan the place, in search for the boy she had missed.

cutting through a young couple and hurrying outside the building, hanseul stopped at the staircase and looked around. however to her luck, she didn't see him; there wasn't a soul that looked like him. he wasn't there. perhaps it wasn't even him.

perhaps, he would never come back.

sulkily, hanseul pushed the glass doors and entered the memorial hall once more. she dropped to her feet and exhaled deeply in order to calm herself down, earning strange looks from the couple she had run into earlier.

you just have to be more patient, hanseul, she chanted.

lastly, she rose from the ground and charged towards the opposite direction for the lift. taehyung and sungjoo instantly spotted and beckoned her over. especially sungjoo, she was worried dead.

"wait, isn't that—" taehyung halted his steps as his eyes wandered to the restrooms. "oh yes," he gasped and hurried over, leaving the girls dumbfounded. they watched as taehyung approached a girl and held her arm, causing her to jerk around in surprise.

"oh my goodness," sungjoo excitedly shook hanseul's hand, but her friend was faster. hanseul was already running towards them, dragging sungjoo behind.

"noona, you came back to seoul?" taehyung asked with excitement all over his face, so that even his deep voice raised an octave. "is h—"

the girl frowned at once as she saw her brother's friends gathered around her. "oh, hanseul and sungjoo, long time." she seemed uncomfortable all of a sudden and taehyung noticed that he was still holding onto her.

"sorry, i got too excited," he smiled sheepishly. sungjoo went straight to the point and asked about their friend's whereabouts. clearly they all missed him and the lack of communication accumulated their longing feelings day by day.

the sister sadly returned them a grin that could mean anything, her eyes were closed as she shook her head. "he was about to come back with me, but he couldn't make it."

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