Selfish people

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You need to stop. I'm just gonna make a list if things you do that annoy me...

1) when you're throwing a friend a surprise birthday party and you invite the people YOU want there and not the Birthday girls actual friends

2)when you think that you deserve something that someone else rightfully earned so you either become a jerk head or you steal it

3) when you get EVERYTHING you want and act like a spoiled brat when you don't get your way! NEWSFLASH!!! YOUR PARENTS ARENT MADE OF MONEY(except for your M.O.M) I GREW UP WITH BOTH TEACHER PARENTS AND I DONT GET CRAP!!!

4)B(aconbutt) need to stop thinking that you're better than everyone else....cuz you're not!!!!!

I have so many more things I can rants about you numbnuts, but my fingers hurt so I'll jest end it with this.

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