Steamboat Wiley

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..........NOICE BOOTS!!!!!! (Ya know you love me!)
Alright Miss America, I believe that you will beat Kanye in 2020 and will become president even you you will be 18 and not EVEN CLOSE to being old enough to run. Oh well, minor details. I'll vote for you!!!!
You were a great Patrice and an insane Miss Hanigan!!!
If anyone tries to get you to give up on your dream on being on broadway......what the frick frack snicky snack!!! Don't listen to those idiots!!!!!!!and remember......
ITS PATRICE -you know the rest
And you do not look like my big toe or a chinchilla(how is being called a chinchilla am insult? I mean Chinchillas are freaking adorable!!!)

Btw no, it's not, it's Pat Rice

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