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After Catelyn leaves, Snow comes back in,

"I'm showing you around Catelyn's order" I throw the cloak on and pull on my boots. We make our way over to the town of Winterfell, where there are fighting lessons. I stay stuck to Jon Snow's side feeling fear and anxiety taking over my body. Jon Snow seems to notices this and holds out his arm for me to take, which I do. I hold onto his arm tightly as we carry on looking around. He introduced me to his young half-brothers Bran and Rickon and younger half sisters Arya and Sansa. He also said he had an older half-brother Robb, but he wasn't around for me to meet. I also found out that Jon Snow is the bastard son of Eddard Stark. Must be hard being a bastard. I wonder if I'm one. We sit at the edge of the forest on an old tree trunk and talk for awhile.

"So...where do you come from?" He asks me,

"I don't know," I say feeling hesitant . Jon Snow looks at me confused.

"Why?" He asks seeming very forward,

"I lost all my memories" I can feel tears welling in my eyes as I think of not having anyone. Jon Snow stands me up pulling me up with him and pulls me into an embrace. I cry into his fur-covered shoulder as he whispers,

"Everything will be fine, you have me" We hug for a few more minuets before we head back to the castle. I notice there are direwolf pups running about with the Stark children and Jon Snow. Ghost is the name of his, he is pure white with red eyes, albino. He is a beautiful little pup. His fur is soft and looks like snow, his eyes redder than a summer sunset. He follows me and Jon Snow around like he's protecting us. We enter the castle to see Eddard and Catelyn talking, Eddard looks over to me and smiles a kind smile.

"You must be Athena?" He says walking over to us, Catelyn following closely behind. I nod and he pulls me into a hug,

"We are so happy you are staying with us, and I hope you feel better soon" He lets go of me and turns to Snow with a stern look on his faces, he says 

"I have told my children and I have to tell you, be prepared for tomorrow, The King is coming to Winterfell" Snow nods and leaves. I could tell he was upset from his Father's remarks, how could this man not say is own son is not considered one of his children. Catelyn takes me back up to my room after we ate  and told me to rest before tomorrow, 

"Sleep well." She says as she closes the door. I lie down closing my eyes and seeing flames.

I wake up sweaty and out of breath. I feel like I've been running for days. I sit up throwing my legs off of the side of the side of the bed. I rub my eyes trying to remove the horrific images of my dreams away. It was so evil, there was a man with a knife slaughtering everyone. And I had to sit by watching, I tried to wake up but my body wasn't ready for me to see normal nice life. I place my hand over my heart feeling that my heart rate is back to normal. I look across the room noticing there is a writing desk with a dress lying across it and a pair of shoes by the chair. I stand and look at them,a dark grey dress with a green belt and green floral details on the top. The boots are plain and grey. I dress into the clothing and throw my cloak on and make my way outside. I notice Arya, Jon Snow's half sister inspecting the bows and arrows.

"What are you doing?" I ask making her jump,

"Oh...nothing" she says turning on her heels to face me. I cross my arms trying to warm,

"Sure you were" I say sarcastically, she sighs and looks at her shoes in embarrassment,

"If you want to learn to fight, you learn to fight" She smiles and hugs me before running off back into the castle. I carry on walking through the cold chill of Winterfell. It wasn't this cold yesterday. I walk 

around not knowing where I was going, I just wanted to walk and think. I felt something brush up against my leg. I look down to see Ghost following me. 

"What's wrong buddy?" I say leaning down and stroking his soft snow white fur. It's a known fact that direwolves fur is one of the softest in the seven kingdoms, He looks at me with his blood red eyes, I can see hurt in them like something is wrong. He runs off and I follow behind. He leads me to the opposite end of the castle, where Snow sleeps. Ghost finally stops at a person hunched over a sword. I can tell from the dark curly hair that it's Jon Snow. He turns his head towards me and smiles, I could get used to that. Wait what am I thinking, I walk next to Snow who's cleaning his sword. I observe his sword and I can feel his eyes on me. And I know I could get used to this.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed.

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