The Littlest Huntress

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Waking up to sudden wetness on your legs is not the best way to wake up. Neither is a scream. "What is it?" I ask groggily. "I think the baby is coming," Aela says, gasping and grabbing her stomach. That stirs me from my sleepiness. I practically jump out of bed, not knowing what to do. "What do I do?" Aela gives me an exasperated look and grits her teeth for a moment before saying, "Go get Danica. She'll know what to do." I nod then run as fast as I can out the door of our room, up the stairs, and out of Jorrvaskr and to the Temple of Kynareth in only my hide pants. "Danica!" She jumps at the sound of my voice, turning toward me. "Yes, Farkas?" "Aela said to get you. The baby is coming," I say, my heart beating widely in my chest. Danica nods calmly, gathering some herbs and glass bottles of potions. "Relax, Farkas. I've helped quite a few people deliver their children. Aela will be fine. Let's go." I follow her back to Jorrvaskr, though she moves to slowly for me. I bounce nervously with each step, wanting to be with Aela. By the time we get down to Aela's room, I am a nervous wreck. "I'm sorry Farkas, but you have to stay out here during the birthing process. You'll only distract me. I need you to go find Baiasma and get her for me, please. I'll need her help," Danica tells me. I give her a shocked look. I had expected to hold Aela's hand throughout the birth of the baby. "Fine..." I mutter, walking to Vilkas' room and knocking on the door. My twin answers in his underclothes. "Yes?" "Danica needs Baiasma. Aela is having the baby." Vilkas' eyes widen and he goes back into his room. Baiasma comes out of the room after a few moments, dressed in a simple dress. "Is she in her room?" She asks me. I nod, watching her leave. How I wanted to be the one to be with Aela.


"Argh! By the Nine, this hurts!" I scream as another pain shoots across my insides. "Relax, Aela, and push. The only way the pain will stop is if you push," Danica says soothingly. I squeeze Baiasma's hand tighter and push, screaming out in pain. "Push, Aela." "Dammit, I am pushing! Why don't you push?!" I shriek at Danica, squeezing Baiasma's hand as hard as I can. Danica murmurs a few words and the pain lessens some, but not much. "Aela, you're almost there. I need you to push really hard. Once you get past the shoulders, it should be easier. So push!" Danica tells me, looking up at me. I nod, gritting my teeth and push as hard as I can, screaming through my teeth. "Good, good, another push and we should be done." I growl at her, sounding more like my Beast form than a human, but push again. That is when I hear Danica's laugh and then the cry of a baby. "Help me sit up, Baiasma, I want to see my baby." Baiasma slowly helps me sit up and I see a small child wrapped in a cloth in Danica's arms. "It's a little girl, Aela." I hold my arms out for my child, tears welling up in the corners of my eyes. Danica puts the baby in my arms and walks out into the hallway. I rock the baby, looking at her pretty little face and blue eyes. "Hello, little one," I coo at her, smiling. Despite all the pain and everything, I was already in love with this little child. "Oh, she's so beautiful," Farkas says, kneeling next to the bed. I smile at him, nodding. "What's her name?" Danica asks from the doorway. "Skaela. After her parents," I say, looking at my beautiful daughter, the last piece of my first love. "Well, look at that. My little wolf has gave birth to an even littler wolf," a voice echoes in the room. I turn to my left and see the ghostly forms of Skjor and Hircine. "Skjor?" He nods, smiling. "One last gift to one of my most devoted followers. Little Huntress, meet your father, the might Skjor," Hircine says, patting little Skaela's head. Skjor leans down and kisses her forehead, then my cheek. "We must go back to the Hunt now. Goodbye, my loves," Skjor says before he and Hircine fade away. Skaela makes a soft sound as they do, squirming in my arms. Farkas reaches down and picks up Skaela, smiling. "Hello pretty girl." I watch them, smiling. After a few moments, I have to ask what has been in my head since Farkas came home. "Farkas?" He looks at me. "Will you be my husband?" Everyone looks at me, shocked. "Yo-Your husband?" I nod, looking at Skaela, sleeping peacefully in Farkas' arms. "Yes. If you want to, that is..." Farkas hands Skaela to Danica and then surprises me by kissing me, his fingers tracing the side of my face softly. "Of course, I want to be your husband. More than anything." I laugh and smile, laying back against the bed. I was exhausted and aching and ready for a nice, long nap. Danica lays Skaela in the crib that Eorlund made for her and then hands me a potion. "This will heal you and help you sleep. Try not to move very much until you have slept for at least ten hours." I nod and drink the potion, settling into the bed. I smile as I close my eyes. My life was perfect now.

Boom, this is near the end of the story. Aela had her baby, little Skaela, and is going to get married to Farkas. Baiasma and Vilkas will get married. But.... I have one more chapter for you. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.


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