1 week later... chapter 2

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I woke up and straight away i heard a knock at the door. I grabbed my dressing gown and raced over. I opened it up to see Robert standing there. Straight away i got excited to see him. He held out his arms to give me a hug. We stood in the door way embraced with me nuzzled in his jumper. I never wanted him to leave me. He came inside and sat on the sofa whilst i got dressed. When i came out i made both of us a cup of tea each. 3 hours past and somehow we became snuggled up on the sofa watching mama mia. The last thing i remember was falling asleep laying on the sofa with Robert. I woke up with the smell of stir fry next to me. "morning Bells." he said smiling. I sat up and ate it. I loved it. "thanks so much" i said as he washed up our plates. "no problem. So do you want to spend the rest of the day together and i can show you around Paris?" "sure i would love that." the first thing we did was walked to the Eiffel tower. It was amazing i never thought it would be so big. Next we went to the love lock bridge. The love lock bridge was a place where couples or families go and they add a padlock onto some gates to declare their love for one another. As me and Robert were looking at all the padlocks someone barged into me by accident and me and Robert were pushed together. He looked down at me as i looked up at him. Then our lips collided. I was so shocked. The man of my dreams was standing with me, kissing me, holding me. I was too scared to blink in case i woke up.

me and Robert PattisonWhere stories live. Discover now